Performance Opportunities

University Violin Player

Students participating in the Piano Program have numerous performance opportunities to showcase their talent to students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. Many of these opportunities are also available to those students who take applied lessons outside of piano, or participate in ensembles.

Guest Artist Masterclasses

Guest pianists are invited to give a masterclass to W & L piano students during their recital visit. Selected students play in front of an audience and, following their performances, receive comments and instructions from the artist in a public setting. Generally, 3-4 students are selected to perform in each masterclass, and several masterclasses are offered during the year.

Concerto-Aria Auditions

The Concerto-Aria Auditions are held every year during the Fall term. Up to two students are selected to perform as soloists with a large ensemble during the following Winter term. The supporting ensembles alternate yearly between the University Orchestra and University Wind Ensemble. For more information, please contact Dr. Chris Dobbins, Director of Instrumental Activities.

Piano Program Recital

The piano program hosts a showcase performance during the spring term every year. This recital provides the opportunity for participating students to demonstrate long-term projects and repertoire accomplished from the previous terms. The concert program features a variety of genres in piano literature.

Music Convocation Concerts

Several Music Convocation performances are scheduled throughout the year. These concerts feature student instrumentalists and vocalists of the music department. All music majors and minors are required to perform in at least one Convocation performance each term. Convocation performances are also open to students registered for applied lessons with instructor approval.

Studio Classes

Students enrolled in applied piano lessons are required to perform in at least two studio classes. These classes are similar in format to performance workshops and provide wonderful opportunities to play in a lower-pressure environment compared to concerts. Stage comportment and overall performance will be discussed in class through constructive feedback given to students by their peers. Each student is expected to give a short commentary about their piece and composer before their performance.