Conducting Mentorship Program
The Department of Music at Washington and Lee offers a unique and innovative opportunity for talented young musicians pursuing a career in conducting. It is four years of direct mentorship designed to prepare future conductors to succeed at virtually any level. The Conducting Mentorship Program, offered for both Choral (CCMP) and Instrumental (ICMP), gives aspiring conductors ample podium time in front of our major ensembles and the opportunity to work one-on-one with W&L’s award winning music faculty. Graduates of the Conducting Mentorship Program manage some of the finest music programs in the country, with their experience at W&L providing real world experience unparalleled in undergraduate education.
"Being in ICMP has enhanced my passion and love for music of any kind. The ICMP program has given me first-hand experience with teaching and conducting the UWE and with that experience, I have gained a better understanding of the complexities behind making music. From this, I have also gained a greater respect for educators and professionals who make conducting a career. Conducting, I have learned, is more than the basic movement of your arms when keeping tempo or displaying of a gesture. Conducting, is an attempt to portray and embody music written by a composer, which turns out is an almost impossible task. The ICMP experience helps you breakdown what a composer is trying to say and aids you in illustrating that to an ensemble."
Daniel Chandler ’25
Key Program Features
- Multiple years of conducting and pedagogical training done in close, purposely small groups.
- Immediate work learning how to program W&L concerts and events under the guidance of W&L faculty.
- Immediate leadership positions with the W&L choirs, including assistant conductor and section leader.
- Podium time with the W&L ensembles beginning in the sophomore year, including the chance to conduct advanced works with the W&L Singers, Wind Ensemble, and University Orchestra, both on campus and during national and international tours.
- K-12 Choral and Instrumental Certification, if pursued.
"I have discovered a passion for teaching music in a manner that incorporates and respects our diverse world and its cultures. I am excited to see where that passion leads."
Nat Ledesma ’23
Read about members of the Choral Conducting Mentorship Program finding their passions on the podium.
Why Study Conducting at W&L?
- Intensive study of conducting, performance and pedagogy with caring mentors.
- Multiple years of group and individual conducting study.
- Conduct top ensembles in performance and on tour.
- Built-in leadership opportunities: section leaders, rehearsal conductors, assistant conductors.
- K-12 Teaching Certification available.
- Competitive program. There are only four instrumental and four choral opening for the program per each incoming class.
The Conducting Mentorship Program provides students with rewarding experiences such as attending the College Band Directors National Association and the College Orchestra Directors Association conferences and the opportunity to work with incredible composers such as Rosephanye Powell and Stacey Gibbs.
"I joined ICMP to find a community of like-minded musicians, and it took all of one meeting to realize I had. The small group meeting allows for the fostering of professional mentorships among music majors of all levels. Additionally, students receive valuable on-podium experience usually reserved for graduate assistants. On a personal note, my podium debut came on a piece I arranged myself - after many hours spent working one-on-one with the ICMP instructor to finalize the logistics. The professional experience of the group is truly hard to match!"
Duncan Hart ’24
Christopher Dobbins
Associate Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Programs
- P: 540-458-8856
- E: dobbinsc@wlu.edu
- Wilson Hall 4029
Shane Lynch
Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities
- P: 540-458-8697
- E: lynchs@wlu.edu
- Wilson Hall 4026