Accountant or Detective

Season 3, Episode 3

Accountant or Detective

A Credit to Her Profession with Megan Hess

Megan Hess’ research focuses on the intersection of ethics and accounting, exploring topics such as fraud risk management, ethical leadership, whistle-blowing, and sustainability accounting.

“When we find our passion and it intersects something that we’re good at, and then someone is willing to pay us to do that for a living - that’s magic!" 
~Megan Hess, Assistant Professor of Accounting

When the Balance Sheet Matches

Image of Drew and Megan Hess
First photo of Drew and Megan 1996 >> Megan and Drew Now
Office window in Holekamp Hall
Megan’s office window: Holekamp Hall (The Old Co-Op)
Image of Megan Hess' bulletin board
Megan’s bulletin board

Become Your Own Detective:

Megan’s suggestions for people interested in learning more about corporate fraud:

  • The Enron documentary “The Smartest Guys in the Room"
  • The podcast that inspired the new Hulu series on Elizabeth Holmes called “The Dropout"
  • Cynthia Cooper’s book “Extraordinary Circumstances” is about her experience as a corporate whistleblower
  • Emily St. John Mandel’s novel “The Glass Hotel” is a wonderful fictionalized account of a corporate fraud that very accurately portrays the underlying psychology of the misconduct

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