Absolut(e) W&L

Season 3, Episode 5

Absolut(e) W&L

Find Your People with Amanda Bower

Professor Amanda Bower, the head of the Business Administration department and the Charles C. Holbrook Jr. ’72 Professor of Business Administration, is widely known for her popular “AdClass.” She also started the AdLib Conference on W&L’s campus. On today’s episode, we talk about the value of studying and teaching advertising in a liberal arts setting, creative problem-solving, teamwork and kittens.

“When [Andrew Keller ’92] was doing his keynote, one of the things he shared with us was that the Domino’s campaign was in fact inspired by the Honor System at W&L, which is pretty cool, and it was the idea that in order to have credibility, you have to be honest. And so he said the more honest we are the more credibility we will have." 
~Amanda Bower, Charles C. Holbrook, Jr. ’72 Professor of Business Administration

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