Student Opportunities
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Duke Marine Lab Program
Washington and Lee is a member of the Duke Marine Lab consortium, allowing our students to study Marine Biology at the lab either fall or winter semester during the academic year. Credits from Duke Marine Lab biology courses can be counted towards the W&L Biology major, and credits from Marine Lab environmental studies courses will usually transfer as W&L environmental studies courses. In general, W&L financial aid can be applied directly towards Duke Marine Lab tuition.
St. Andrews Program
Washington and Lee University and the University of St Andrews have joined in a partnership, providing a quality study abroad experience for students in the sciences and students interested in the health professions. As part of this program, participating students may enroll for specific science classes which will receive credit and a grade on a W&L transcript; additionally, premed students may elect to take part in a special premedical seminar offered by a member of the St. Andrews Medical Faculty which includes site visits to area hospitals and clinics.
Health Professions Program
Information and advice for students interested in medical, dental, or veterinary schools, or other health professions
Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study, and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.
Post-Graduation Resources
Resources for Biology graduates, including graduate school opportunities, graduate training initiatives and jobs in the field.