About the Department

Student using Biology equipment

Biology Major and Minor Requirements

The list of requirements to graduate with a major (B.S. or B.A.) or minor (within a focused subject area) in biology.

Course Offerings

Listing of course offerings for the Biology Department

Student Research for the Major

Research requirements for the Biology major

HHMI Grant (2012-2016)

The HHMI grant initiative (2012-2016, $1 million) seeks to make science more accessible to all students, to retain more students in STEM areas, to provide transferable skills to those students who seek other majors and to develop their scientific curiosity, literacy, creativity and the confidence to speak knowledgeably about science issues.

Department Info

  • Howe Hall
    Washington and Lee University
    Lexington, Virginia 2440

Bill Hamilton

Biology Department Head, Professor of Biology

Leigh Ann McCoy

Administrative Assistant