Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta: Phi Xi Chapter of the National Biological Honor Society
About Tri-Beta
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study, and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Since its founding in 1922, more than 200,000 persons have been accepted into lifetime membership, and more than 520 chapters have been established throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
TriBeta was founded in 1922 at Oklahoma City University--the Alpha Chapter--by Dr. Frank G. Brooks and a group of his students. The idea of an honor and professional society for biology students spread rapidly and by 1925, the society was a national organization. Biennial national conventions of student and faculty members began in that year and in 1930 the society journal, BIOS, began publication of student research, articles of interest to biologists and society news. As the society grew, it was divided into regional and district groups, each of which holds a convention annually. At the heart of every district and national meeting are student research papers presented in the style of graduate meetings. Awards are given for outstanding individual and chapter accomplishment.
Mission Statement
The Phi Xi Chapter of Tri-Beta National Biological Honor Society exists to promote the pursuit of a higher level of educational achievement, the companionship among science scholars, and the appreciation of the biological sciences. Tri-Beta aspires to open doors for students pursuing medical school, graduate school, or any other post-graduate plans. Tri-Beta is committed to providing students with an opportunity to use their interest in the sciences with the goal of enhancing our academic community.
Membership Costs and Requirements
Formal Members: $55
- Must be of at least sophomore standing
- Must have a minimum 3.00 GPA
- Must be a Biology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Ecology, or Environmental Studies major or minor AND/OR have completed an extensive amount of biology course work (eligibility determined by club officers)
- Must have completed some form of biology-related research
Associate Members: $45
- Must be of at least sophomore standing
- Must demonstrate interest in life-sciences (as determined by club officers)
Two rounds of applications/inductions will take place each year: one Fall Term and one Winter Term. For more information, please contact:
President: Tara Loughery ’18, Neuroscience and Sociology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Fiona L. Watson, Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Neuroscience Program