Student Season Selection

Students performing

Student play selection submissions are open!

We are thrilled to launch a new play season selection process—and your input as theatre, dance and film students is vital! Suggest plays and musicals on the TDFS 2025-2025 Season Selection Form. While we can’t guarantee your submission will be chosen, all suggestions will be thoughtfully reviewed by the TDFS faculty and staff for the following season. Please be thoughtful when submitting and consider if the show is:

  • Castable: Do we have the number of male, female, nonbinary actors necessary to capably play all roles? 
  • Playable: Do the actors/actresses have the skills called for to act the show and/or can we provide the personnel to train them in these skills within the rehearsal period?
  • Tech Ease: Can we meet the play’s technical requirements (including costumes, scenery, lighting, props and sound)?
  • Audience Appeal: Will the style and/or subject matter attract W&L students and community members to performances?
  • Educational Value: Does the play provide an opportunity to advance students’ and the W&L community’s education in theater, dance, and other academic areas?