Engineering Community Development

EWB students digging

The mission of the Engineering Community Development (ECD) Club at Washington and Lee University is to combine the efforts of not only engineering students, but of all majors and interests in order to enhance the living conditions of developing communities locally and worldwide. As an Engineering World Health (EWH) chapter, the ECD club will promote biomedical engineering skills for the developing world. Students will learn about poverty stricken areas and utilize creative and thought-out solutions as a team, focusing on the fields of health, water, sanitation, energy, transportation, telecommunication, agriculture or any other field where engineering can promote the basic standard of living of communities locally and in the developing world. 

Visit the W&L Engineering Community Development Club Facebook page or the W&L Engineering Community Development website to read about current projects and to view photos from recent trips and projects.

Students in the club will design and implement sustainable engineering, biological, anthropological and business projects to transform communities into healthier, more productive areas. This club creates the opportunity to work on campus, but also promote member travel abroad for global projects. There is potential for students from all majors to study the people and their communities to find ways to improve communities through health, water, sanitation, or energy projects. Our goal, as a group, is to create sustainable ways for communities to meet their basic human needs, while each member involved gains enriched global perspectives through the innovative professional education opportunities that Engineering Community Development partnerships provide. The requirement for membership is an interest in helping others and a dedication to making a lasting difference in the developing world.   

The creation of this club at W&L extends the opportunity for students to become the leaders of change in their respective fields. The knowledge acquired first-hand by working with an interdisciplinary group of peers on a project is an experience that provides knowledge not found in any classroom. Club members will be faced with real world problems; solving them requires taking into account community interests and constraints brought upon by what the community is able to maintain. The creative effort that will be expected of all club members employs problem-solving skills that begin here on campus but do not end until the construction/implementation is complete at a site. Engineering World Health is a nationally recognized organization that students may stay involved with into their professional lives. These projects not only make a better today, but a better tomorrow. 

Donations to help fund the club are gratefully accepted! Please make payable to W&L ECD and send to:

ECD, Physics and Engineering Dept.
Washington and Lee University
204 W. Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450