After Graduation
About half of all students who complete a major in Physics, Engineering, and Integrated Engineering at Washington and Lee will enter directly into technical employment, while the remainder continue into graduate work – most often in a scientific field, but occasionally in other fields such as management or law. Several graduates have earned prestigious international fellowships such as the Fulbright and Watson Fellowship.
Graduates with a B.S. degree in one of our three majors have a wide range of options. Check out where some recent graduates went:
Graduate School
- M.I.T. (Civil Engineering)
- Stanford University (Aeronautics and Astronautics, Materials Science, Construction Engineering)
- Cornell University (Materials Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Carnegie Mellon (Chemical Engineering)
- Drexel University (Electrical Engineering)
- Howard University (Medicine)
- Medical College of Ohio (Medicine)
- Penn State (Civil Engineering)
- Rutgers University (Physics, Materials Science)
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Electrical Engineering)
- Georgia Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
- Fulbright Fellowship to India (Physics)
- University of Alabama (Medicine)
- University of North Carolina (Law)
- University of Texas (Medicine, Petroleum Engineering)
- University of Maryland (Medicine)
- University of Michigan (Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering)
- University of Virginia (Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering)
- University of Washington (Electrical Engineering)
- Vanderbilt University (Biomedical Engineering)
- Virginia Tech (VPI&SU) (Materials, Chemistry, Environmental Science)
Private Sector Jobs
- Accenture Consulting
- Anderson Consulting
- Booz Allen
- Hamilton Catholic Mission to Central America
- Dell Computer Directed Technologies, Inc.
- High School Teaching Medical Mission to Haiti
- Northrop Grumman
- U.S. Army Night Vision Laboratory
- Wachovia Bank
- Watson Fellowship to study culture of Southeast Asia
- Whitman, Requardt & Associates
- Xerox Corp.
Department Info
Physics and Engineering Department
Washington and Lee University
204 W. Washington Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Physical Address: Howe Hall / Science Center