Current Majors
Research Resources
Research is a fundamental skill that students learn through their experiences with the history department. Resources through Leyburn library and trusted sources are essential for students to perform their own research on different topics.
Academic Integrity
The W&L History Department strives to uphold the university’s honor system by stressing the importance of academic integrity. This includes educating students about how to properly acknowledge sources in all their academic assignments, including presentations and papers.
Hendricks Grant Application
Applicants must provide a budget, a brief summary of their proposed research project, and obtain the approval of the History Department Head and a project director (Thesis Advisor, Seminar Instructor, Independent Study Advisor) within the History Department. Advanced History Students are encouraged to apply for a Hendricks Grant to offset the cost of research trips or attending professional conferences. Priority will be given to Honors Thesis students, but members of Advanced Seminars and Independent Studies are also encouraged to apply.
Department Info
- P: 540-458-8771
Newcomb Hall
204 West Washington Street
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450