Current Majors
Study Abroad
International experience is viewed as an important part of a comprehensive Washington and Lee University education. The purpose of study abroad is to further one’s knowledge of the world and its cultures and to expand the opportunities and arenas for academic inquiry. W&L offers a range of study abroad options supported by the resources necessary to ensure a suitable international experience for any student.
Student Research
W&L strongly encourages student research. The History Department assists students wishing to attend conferences or to engage in research travel. Other opportunities for research, either independent or in partnership with faculty, abound.
Honors in History
The Washington and Lee History Department offers advanced students the opportunity to undertake significant original research culminating in an Honors Thesis. Successful candidates earn a Bachelor of Arts degree “with Honors in History.”
Internships in History
Washington and Lee students of history may pursue an internship at a public or private agency or institution, working in consultation with a faculty supervisor and the sponsoring agency or institution, earning credit in HIST 453 or 456.
Department Info
- P: 540-458-8771
Newcomb Hall
204 West Washington Street
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450