Spring Term in Japan
Spring Term Abroad in Japan
The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures offers a 4-credit Spring Term study abroad program held in Kanazawa, Japan. Accompanied by a faculty member from the Japanese Program, students will spend the term studying Japanese language in the morning and participating in cultural activities, such as flower arrangement, Japanese pottery, Taiko or Japanese drumming, mizuhiki, Zen meditation, calligraphy and tea ceremony in the afternoon. Other activities will include field trips such as an overnight trip to Noto Peninsula. Students will live with a host family and will be able to experience the rhythms of Japanese daily life. Multiple levels of language instruction (beginning to intermediate) are provided and you will be placed according to your ability. Learning the language will enhance your appreciation of the country and also give you the confidence for exploring on your own. Beginners with no prior language training are welcome and should speak with the program leader, Professor Janet Ikeda in advance. (3 credits can be applied to the EALL Major)
Beginning Japanese 100 (4)
Prerequisites: Permission of the department, approval of the International Education Committee and a desire to study in Japanese.
This is a course designed to introduce the Japanese language and culture to students with no previous language background. Classes are held at Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, which is a prestigious Japanese institution, located in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. Credits do not apply toward the East Asian Studies major language requirement.
First Year Japanese 115 (4)
Prerequisites: Japanese 111-112 required, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.
This is a course designed to improve active oral proficiency in Japanese and to introduce students to the culture and society of Japan. Classes are held at Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, which is a prestigious Japanese institution, located in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. Credits do not apply toward the East Asian Studies major language requirement.
Second Year Japanese 265 (4)
Prerequisites: Japanese 261-262 required, permission of department, and approval of the International Education Committee.
This is a course designed to improve active oral proficiency in Japanese and to introduce students to the culture and society of Japan. Classes are held at Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, which is a prestigious Japanese institution, located in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. Credits do not apply toward the East Asian Studies major language requirement.
Third Year Japanese 365 (4)
Prerequisites: JAPN 302, or the equivalent, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.
This course is designed to introduce the Japanese language and culture to students, and to prepare students for fourth-year Japanese study. Classes are held at the Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, a prestigious Japanese institution in Kanazawa. Students live with a host family and can experience typical Japanese daily life. The program includes field trips to points of historical interest and many cultural activities in the afternoon. 3 credits apply toward the East Asian Languages and Literatures major requirements.
East Asian Languages and Literatures Department
Department Info
East Asian Languages and Literatures
Ruscio Center for Global Learning
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450