Spring Term in China

EALL faculty and staff

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures offers a 4-credit Spring Term study abroad program held in Shanghai, China, in association with East China Normal University. With no prerequisite for knowledge of China and Chinese, students will be engaged in Chinese language classes interspersed with lectures on Chinese literature and culture, the topics of which range from Chinese art, history, painting, tai chi, oriental gardening and Chinese food. There will be field trips to the landmarks of Shanghai, watching famous Chinese acrobatics show, and visiting neighboring cultural relics sites of Shanghai. The program will wind up with a cultural tour to the ancient and fascinating cities of Xi’an and Beijing. (3 credits can be applied to the EALL Major)

Chinese 100 (4)

Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese Prerequisite: Permission of the department and approval of the International Education Committee.

This course is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with little or no previous Chinese language background and prepare them for studying first-year Chinese. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art, history, economy, etc.) provides students with firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence of modern China and its changing culture.

Chinese 115 (4)

Supervised Study Abroad: First Year Chinese Prerequisite: Chinese 112, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.

This course is designed to improve active oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying second year Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students have opportunities to mingle with ordinary Chinese people, to engage in everyday conversation, and to have firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities.

Chinese 265 (4)

Supervised Study Abroad: Second Year Chinese Prerequisites: Chinese 261 or 262, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.

This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying third year Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students discuss and debate with Chinese students about emerging social, economic, and policy issues. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities.