Faculty and Staff
Jonathan Eastwood
Department Head, Sociology and Anthropology; Professor of Sociology
- Newcomb Hall 104
- Email: eastwoodj@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8777
Professor Eastwood is a social theorist who also has a strong interest in quantitative methods. He teaches seminars on classical and contemporary theory as well as a series of courses that train students how to use quantitative and computational tools to answer sociological questions.
Alison Bell
Professor of Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 309
- Email: bella@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8638
Bell teaches courses on the anthropology of American history. Her research interests include historical archaeology, material culture, social stratification, and the 18th and 19th century in the eastern United States.
Christopher Brown
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 308
- Email: cbrown2@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8387
Lynn G. Chin
Associate Professor of Sociology
- Newcomb Hall 210
- Email: chinl@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8791
Chin teaches courses on power and status, health and inequality, and other unique topics in sociology. Her research focuses on group processes and social psychology.
Donald Gaylord
Research Archaeologist and Instructor of Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 204
- Email: gaylordd@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8378
Gaylord teaches courses in archaeology including Field Methods in Archaeology and Discovering W&L’s Origins Using Historical Archaeology. He researches the anthropological analysis of property ownership and land use.
Sascha L. Goluboff
Professor of Cultural Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 208
- Email: goluboffs@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8807
Goluboff teaches courses such as Food, Culture, and Society, and Gender and Sexuality. Her research focuses on the anthropology of emotion in a variety of geographic and historic contexts.
Sue Ann McCarty
Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 206
- Email: smccarty@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8775
Hafsa Oubou
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Marcos Perez
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Newcomb Hall 225
- Email: mperez@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8793
Perez teaches courses such as Revolutions and Revolutionaries and Poverty and Marginality in the Americas. His research interests include political sociology, urban studies, stratification and Latin American studies.
Candice Robinson
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Newcomb Hall 305
- Email: crobinson2@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8113
Alexander Sutton
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Newcomb Hall 316
- Email: asutton@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8774
Affiliated Faculty
Mauricio Betancourt
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
- Tucker Hall 018
- Email: mbetancourt@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8196
Betancourt teaches Intro to Environmental Studies, Environmental Sociology, and the Commodification of Nature. His research has focused on agroecology, nature-society interactions, imperialism, and unequal ecological exchange.
Emily Landry
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
- Huntley Hall 104
- Email: elandry@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8608
Dallas Tatman
Assistant Director of Fellowships and Visiting Instructor of Anthropology
- James G. Leyburn Library 107
- Email: dtatman@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-4855
Emeritus Faculty
Krzysztof Jasiewicz
William P. Ames Jr. Professor
- Newcomb Hall 227
- Email: jasiewiczk@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8790
Jasiewicz, a native of Poland, teaches courses in research methods, European politics and society, post-communist transitions, and peoples of Central Europe. He is the editor of the journal East European Politics and Societies.
Harvey Markowitz
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 308
- Email: markowitzh@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8214
Markowitz taught courses such as Lakota Land Culture, Economics and History. His courses drew from both anthropology and environmental studies. He has researched American Indians extensively.
Melissa Gualtieri
Administrative Assistant
Serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Sociology and Anthropology Department, Education Studies Program, and Africana Studies Program.
Archaeology Faculty
Rebecca Benefiel
Abigail Grigsby Urquhart Professor of Classics
- Tucker Hall 105
- Email: benefielr@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8082
Benefiel teaches classics and Latin courses such as Pompeii, Classics in a Digital Age, Roman Religion, and The Poetry of Ovid. Her research focuses on Pompeii, Latin epigraphy, and Roman social and cultural history.
Donald Gaylord
Research Archaeologist and Instructor of Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 204
- Email: gaylordd@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8378
Gaylord teaches courses in archaeology including Field Methods in Archaeology and Discovering W&L’s Origins Using Historical Archaeology. He researches the anthropological analysis of property ownership and land use.
Sascha L. Goluboff
Professor of Cultural Anthropology
- Newcomb Hall 208
- Email: goluboffs@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8807
Goluboff teaches courses such as Food, Culture, and Society, and Gender and Sexuality. Her research focuses on the anthropology of emotion in a variety of geographic and historic contexts.
Melissa R. Kerin
Professor of Art History
- Mattingly House 209
- Email: kerinm@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8858
Kerin teaches courses in South Asian and East Asian art and architecture. Her research focuses on the intricate and multifaceted relationships between art and identity formation, cultural memory and religious praxis.
Michael Laughy
Boetsch Term Associate Professor of Classics and Department Head
- Tucker Hall 106
- Email: laughym@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-4569
Laughy teaches courses in ancient Greek religion, history, art and archaeology. His research interests are Greek religion, Greek epigraphy and ancient Athens.