Research Resources

Students majoring in Sociology and Anthropology are encouraged to visit the Guides and Resources Library Web Page maintained by Dick Grefe. This site has research guides for some of our classes, online resources, and new material in our disciplines.


Students interested in Sociology should consult the American Sociological Association, which has an Undergraduate Honors Program. Other professional organizations include The Eastern Sociological Society, The Southern Sociological Society, and the Virginia Social Science Association.


Students interested in cultural anthropology should consult the American Anthropological Association for information on a large list of cultural anthropology interest groups and organizations, jobs, meetings, and other anthropology links.

Key professional organizations for archaeologists include: The Archaeology Division of the American Anthropological Association, Society for American Archaeology, Society for Historical Archaeology, Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference, Council of Virginia Archaeologists, Archaeological Society of Virginia, The Southern Anthropological Society, and The Society for Applied Anthropology.