Undergraduate Philosophy Journals
Please check with each journal for information on submissions and deadlines.
- Simpliciter is a new undergraduate journal of philosophy at Brandeis University located in Waltham, Massachusetts. We aim to recognize excellent works of philosophy produced by undergraduates.
- Stance An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal (Ball State) is “produced and edited entirely by undergraduate students. We aim to enrich student learning by providing an opportunity for undergraduate students to have their original scholarly work reviewed by or published in a peer-reviewed academic journal."
- Episteme is a student-run journal that aims to recognize and encourage excellence in undergraduate philosophy by providing examples of some of the best work currently being done in undergraduate philosophy programs. Episteme is published under the auspices of Denison University’s Department of Philosophy.
- Prometheus is a journal published by Johns Hopkins University students. Prometheus publishes a print journal annually and an online journal seasonally. Prometheus accepts papers on all philosophical topics from undergraduates all over the world. Deadline for the print journal is in January; online journal submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Sapere Aude (College of Wooster) invites undergraduate students to submit papers in all areas of philosophy. The papers should exhibit independent, creative thought and exemplify deep understanding of a philosophical subject. Submissions with interdisciplinary engagements are also encouraged (e.g. philosophical intersections with social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, social justice studies, etc.) Content, however, should be concerned with a primarily philosophical issue.
- The Yale Philosophy Review is “an annual journal that showcases the best and most original of philosophic thought by undergraduate students, worldwide. The goal of the Review is to promote philosophic discourse of the highest standard, and to bring together a community of young philosophers in both the United States and abroad. Each issue contains a selection of essays on a broad range of philosophic topics, as well as book reviews and interviews of philosophic content."
- GNOSIS is “a journal of philosophy published by graduate students under the auspices of the Department of Philosophy at Concordia University located in Montreal Quebec. Gnosis was founded in 1973, and has provided students with an opportunity to gain exposure of their work in the public sphere. Most submissions to our journal are usually by graduate students, but exceptional undergraduate work is also welcomed."
- Aporia is an undergraduate journal of philosophy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Aporia is published twice yearly: an online edition in the fall, and a print edition in the spring.
- The Reed is an undergraduate philosophy journal about Existentialism published by Carleton and St. Olaf students. Its purpose is to encourage undergraduates to participate in a constructive discourse about Existential thought and scholarship.
- The University of Pennsylvania’s Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy “welcomes submissions of original, unpublished, undergraduate work from every branch of philosophy."
- Ephemeris (Union College) is an undergraduate journal of philosophy, student-run and dedicated to harvesting exceptional undergraduate writing grounded in the distinct value and interest of the philosophical endeavor.
- Dialectic: An Online Philosophy Journal the journal of the University of York Philosophy Society featuring essays by undergraduates, postgraduates and academics from various institutions.
- Philologoi (Belmont) is “a student-led philosophy journal seeks to publish superior quality undergraduate writing to benefit the philosophical community here and at large by providing a forum for the open exchange of ideas and exposure to current and innovative philosophical research."
- Logos: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal is a refereed journal at the Cornell University Sage School of Philosophy in Ithaca, New York. An entirely student-run journal, Logos publishes undergraduate work in all branches and traditions of philosophy. Undergraduates from around the globe are invited to submit papers annually for peer-review. Accepted papers are published in the current year’s edition of Logos, and the authors of the top three submissions are awarded cash prizes.
Philosophy Department
Department Info
Washington Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450