Endowments and Gifts
The Philosophy Department Fund
The Philosophy Department has a fund for unrestricted gifts (gifts for the Philosophy Department for general purposes). To make a gift, please contact the head of the Philosophy Department.
The Virginia Endowment
The Virginia Endowment is a fund that supports philosophy students. It can be used for such purposes as to help students defray the cost of presenting a paper at a conference, or to hold a reception for students, or to support a speaker for a class. Awards are made by the Philosophy Department. To apply for funds, please contact the head of the Philosophy Department.
The William W. Morton Endowment for Philosophy and Religion
The William W. Morton Endowment for Philosophy and Religion was created as a joint departmental support fund in 1994 through the gift of W. Preston Greene, Jr., ’60 of Napa, California, in memory of this dedicated teacher and his wife, Frances Campbell Morton. Professor Morton was a member of the faculty from 1925 to 1956. Revenue from this special fund is used by both departments to bring speakers into the classroom and to provide other academic enhancements for separate or mutual benefit.
The Christoph Keller Jr. ’39 Library Endowment for Philosophy and Religion
The Christoph Keller Jr. ’39 Library Endowment for Philosophy and Religion was established in 1996 by the estate of the Right Reverend Christoph Keller Jr., retired Episcopal bishop of Arkansas. The endowment’s purpose is to assist the Leyburn Library with the acquisition of texts for students and faculty in the Departments of Philosophy and Religion.
Philosophy Department
Department Info
Washington Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450