Study Philosophy Abroad
The following is a list of universities where W&L philosophy majors and minors have taken courses in philosophy while studying abroad.
- Bruce McCuskey (’16), University of Oxford, Hertford College
- William Brown (’16), University of Oxford
- Emily Comer (’14), University of Oxford
- Christine Pence (’14), University of Oxford
- Annie Zhang (’13), University of Oxford
- Ian Sturdy (’12), University of Oxford
- Stephanie Malaska (), University of Oxford
- Granvil George (’11), University of Oxford, University College
- Kathryn Krall (’08), University of Oxford
- Nikita Liamzine (’06), University of Oxford, University College
- Miriam Rodgers (’04), University of Oxford
Philosophy Department
Department Info
Washington Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450