Study Abroad

Students are highly encouraged to take advantage of opportunities that will offer first-hand knowledge of the target culture(s) through formal study abroad, internships, or individual research.

Students may choose to study abroad during the twelve-week term through a number of approved programs independent of W&L. (Consult the Center for International Education for more information).  LACS can offer suggestions about summer opportunities in Latin America.  In particular, LACS has a longstanding relationship with the Academia de Español Nicoya in Nicoya, Costa Rica. 

If students prefer to study on a W&L supervised program, various departments periodically offer study abroad opportunities in Latin America.  During the Spring Term various departments offer a wide variety of programs intermittently:

  • Costa Rica (Romance Languages)
  • Argentina (Romance Languages)
  • Nicaragua (Business)
  • Belize (Economics)
  • Argentina (Geology)
  • Brazil (Environmental Studies)

These and others are offered periodically based on student interest and faculty resources.  Check with the corresponding departments to see when programs may be scheduled.

Program Info

  • Tucker Hall 313
    Washington and Lee University
    Lexington, Virginia 24450

Seth Michelson

Program Head

Alex Williams

Administrative Assistant