Faculty and Staff

Core  Faculty

Seth Michelson

Seth Michelson

Associate Professor of Spanish; Program Head, Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Michelson teaches the poetry of the hemispheric Americas, as well as a diversity of courses on the literatures, cultures and languages of the region. His research focuses on poetry and state violence, and he is the author of numerous book chapters, articles and essays on the subject, among others.

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Jeff Barnett

Jeff Barnett

S. Blount Mason Jr. Professor of Spanish

Barnett teaches courses in Spanish language, translation, and Spanish-American literature and culture. His research deals with modern Latin American narrative and cultural studies as well as literary translation.

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Mónica Botta

Mónica Botta

Professor of Spanish

Botta teaches courses in Latin American Theater, literature and culture. She has researched Latin American culture with an emphasis on post-dictatorship periods.

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Andrea Lepage

Andrea Lepage

Pamela H. Simpson Professor of Art History and Department Head

Andrea Lepage offers classes in the following areas: contemporary Chicana/o and U.S. Latina/o art, modern and colonial Latin American art, arts of Mesoamerica and the Andes, and Early Modern European art (Italian, Spanish, Dutch).

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Ellen Mayock

Ellen Mayock

Ernest Williams II Professor of Spanish

At Washington and Lee, Mayock has taught courses in Spanish, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her research focuses on gender and its intersections in literature and film, feminist theories and practice, and representations of conflict and violence. Mayock also writes poetry and creative nonfiction.

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Affiliate  Faculty

Jonathan Eastwood

Jonathan Eastwood

Department Head, Sociology and Anthropology; Professor of Sociology

Professor Eastwood is a social theorist who also has a strong interest in quantitative methods. He teaches seminars on classical and contemporary theory as well as a series of courses that train students how to use quantitative and computational tools to answer sociological questions.

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Romina Green

Romina Green

Assistant Professor of History

Professor Green Rioja’s research interests include examining structural racism in modern Chilean history and identifying settler-colonial policies that displaced the Indigenous Mapuche.

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James Kahn

James Kahn

Emeritus Faculty, John F. Hendon Professor of Economics and Professor of Environmental Studies

Kahn is a 1975 alumnus who teaches courses on the economics of the environment and development. He also teaches a Spring Term study abroad course in the Amazonas and researches environmental policy and resource economics.

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Mohamed Kamara

Mohamed Kamara

Department Head and Professor of Romance Languages; Campus Muslim Student Advisor

Professor Kamara holds degrees in French, English and Secondary Education. He teaches French courses in the Department of Romance Languages and also teaches in the university’s Africana Studies Program. As faculty advisor to campus Muslim students and the W&L African Society, he is a member of the Religious Staff in the Office of Inclusion and Engagement.

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Marcos Perez

Marcos Perez

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Perez teaches courses such as Revolutions and Revolutionaries and Poverty and Marginality in the Americas. His research interests include political sociology, urban studies, stratification and Latin American studies.

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Alex Williams

Alex Williams

Administrative Assistant

Program Info

  • Tucker Hall 313
    Washington and Lee University
    Lexington, Virginia 24450

Seth Michelson

Program Head

Alex Williams

Administrative Assistant