Course Offerings

for Winter Term 2025

Winter 2025
Dept Course Number Section Number Minor ENVCB ENVCC ENVEE ENVEH ENVSC ENVWR
ENV 110 Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
ENV 282 01 Social Science Adv. Social Science Foundations Human Dimensions 3 add’l Rel/Soc & Anthro Core Social Science Human Dimensions
ENV 390 01 N/A Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution
ENV 263 01 Humanities N/A N/A N/A Literature & Arts or 2 additional N/A N/A
ENV 397 01 Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
BIOL 111 Prereq for some BIOL course options in Natural Sciences Prereq for BIOL 201; Prereq for many BIOL course options in Conservation Biology Prereq for BIOL 201; prereq for several BIOL course options in Climate Change N/A Prereq for BIOL 201 Prereq for BIOL 201 Prereq for BIOL 201; prereq for several BIOL course options in Water Resources
BIOL 201 01 N/A Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics
BIOL 295F 01 Prereq for BIOL 332 in Natural Sciences Prereq for BIOL 332 in Adv. Ecology Foundations N/A N/A N/A Prereq for BIOL 332 in Climate/Ecosystem Science N/A
BIOL 297H 01 N/A N/A Science * by substitution N/A N/A N/A N/A
BIOL 297I 01 N/A Three Additional * by substitution Science * by substitution N/A N/A N/A Science * by substitution
BIOL 302 01 N/A Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution N/A Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution Adv. Quantitative Skills *by substitution
BIOL 395D 01 N/A Three Additional * by substitution Science * by substitution N/A N/A N/A N/A
BUS 202 N/A Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics
BUS 345 Humanities N/A N/A Ethics N/A N/A N/A
ECON 100 Prereq for advanced ECON courses Prereq for advanced ECON courses Prereq for advanced ECON courses Required Prereq for advanced ECON courses Prereq for advanced ECON courses Prereq for advanced ECON courses
ECON 202 N/A Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics
ECON 203 01 N/A Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills
ECON 255 Social Sciences Advanced Social Science Foundations Human Dimensions Required N/A Core Social Science Human Dimensions
ECON 295D Social Sciences Advanced Social Science Foundations Human Dimensions Three Additional N/A Core Social Science Human Dimensions
ECON 302 01 N/A N/A N/A 3 additional N/A N/A N/A
EEG 101 01 Prereq for several EEG course options in minor Prereq for EEG 316 in Adv. Quant. Skills Prereq for EEG 316 and Prereq for many EEG course options in Climate Change Prereq for EEG 316 in Adv. Quant. Skills Prereq for EEG 316 in Adv. Quant. Skills Prereq for EEG 316 in Adv. Quant. Skills Prereq for EEG 316 and Prereq for many EEG course options in Water Resources
EEG 102 01 Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above Same as EEG 101 above
EEG 197E 01 N/A N/A Science *by substitution N/A N/A Climate/Ecosystem Science *by substitution Science *by substitution
EEG 240 01 Natural & Physical Science N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Science
EEG 316 01 N/A Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills N/A Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills Adv. Quant. Skills
POL 100 Prereq for POL 233 in Social Science Prereq for POL 233 in Adv. Social Science Found. Prereq for POL 233 in Human Dim. N/A N/A Prereq for POL 233 in Core Social Science Prereq for POL 233 in Human Dim.
POL 105 N/A N/A Human Dimensions N/A N/A N/A N/A
POL 202 01 N/A Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics
POL 233 01 Social Sciences Adv. Social Science Foundations Human Dimensions N/A N/A Core Social Science Human Dimension
POV 101 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Human Dimensions N/A

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