Teaching Certification

Student Studying

Students interested in certification for teaching should contact the Director of the Education Studies Program. The earlier you start this process, the better! Many English majors pursue teaching careers without certification. If you are interested in private school teaching, contact Southern Teacher’s Agency. They have a job fair in Charlottesville in March. Carney and Sandoe is a well-known, reputable agency with national reach. See AISNE for postings of New England private school positions. Finally, don’t hesitate to use your W&L network.

A W&L English major, with its distribution in three areas, prepares students well to embark on teaching careers. To fulfill the specific certification requirements of many states, courses in History and Structure of the English Language and Children’s Literature should be considered.

Requirements in English for Teacher Certification


The program shall:

  • develop an understanding of and expertise in the various means of communication (speaking, listening, reading, and writing);
  • develop the skills necessary to teach the various means of communication to diverse student populations;
  • provide an understanding of the nature and development of language;
  • provide background in major works from English, American, world and ethnic literature appropriate for adolescent instruction;
  • provide opportunities for experiences in communication arts, such as radio, television, and films.

Endorsement Requirements

The applicant seeking endorsement in English shall present a record of course experiences equivalent to a minimum of 36 semester hours, including at least one course from each of the four areas listed below:

  • Language: Study of the history and nature of the English language, of comparative English grammar, and of standard written English
  • Literature: Study of English, American, world, and ethnic literature;
  • Composition: Study of the teaching of writing, with emphasis upon advanced composition;
  • Speech: Study of oral expression and related listening skills