English for the Liberal Arts
FDRs and Beyond
Literature in the English language encompasses writings from the Middle Ages to the present day. Written by English, American, Irish, Welsh, and Scottish authors, English literature is also produced by writers from countries formerly colonized by the British Empire. The English Department offers a variety of courses in literature and writing for general education (FDR FW, HA, and HL). Creative writing courses (HA) and advanced expository writing courses are also taught regularly.
Many sections of the FDR composition courses (WRIT 100) are taught by members of the English Department. The times, topics, and instructors of WRIT 100 change annually; check with your adviser, the registrar, or the department in advance of registering for details. See the Writing Program website for more information and resources, including links to the Writing Center, where students at any level can sign up for conferences with tutors. Your adviser has details about your placement, including exemption from the FDR FW requirement.
After completing the composition requirement, students may use any 200- or 300-level literature course in English (to which they gain admission) to fulfill FDR HL distribution requirements. Upper-level literature courses (300 and above) are usually meant for English majors, but there are exceptions, especially in the spring. Please consult the professor directly to seek Instructor Consent, if you wish to take a course to which you have not automatically been admitted.