Foundation Courses (FDR FW)


Student studying

Placement in WRIT 100

Students place themselves in sections of Writing Seminar for First-Years (WRIT 100). Each has a distinct topic; one or two sections will be appropriate for ESOL students.

Exemption from WRIT 100

Students with reported scores of 5 on the AP English Language or Literature examination will be automatically exempted from WRIT 100 after their AP scores have been reported to the University Registrar. Students with reported scores of 6 or 7 on the English IB test of either of the two group 1 Language A courses, Language, or Language and Literature, will also be exempted from WRIT 100. These particular AP 5 and IB 6 or 7 scores fulfill Foundations Writing (FDR FW).

Purpose of WRIT 100

Over three quarters of W&L first-year students fulfill the composition requirement (FDR FW) by taking Writing Seminar for First-Years-WRIT 100- during the first year of study.

English 299: Gateway Seminar for Prospective Majors

Advanced first-year students and sophomores interested in English should take English 299 after completing a 200-level course. Taking English 299 does not oblige you to become an English major, but all English majors must take English 299.