Computer Labs

Computer science students have access to two state-of-the-art laboratories for introductory and advanced level courses.  Our primary teaching lab has an activie learning environment, equipped with high-end machines running the Ubuntu operating system.  These machines are dedicated to running all course exercises, assignments, and projects.  Our advanced lab offers higher-end performances as every machine is equipped with NVIDIA RTX 2060 Supers.  These machines help promote advanced topics providing the computational power for robotics, graphics, neural networks, and machine learning.  Both labs are exclusive to Computer Science and students are provided an account to the CS network upon registering for one of our courses.

To aid student’s academic activities and promote collaboration, the Computer Science Department opens both computer labs 24 hours a day.  This provides an optional study area with plenty of whiteboard space and collaborative spaces for discussion.  In addition to lab access, students also have remote access to every machine in the department.

To support faculty and student research, faculty members maintain their own equipment, servers, and machines designed to facilitate work in, for example, web application development and testing, drone flight simulation, algorithm design, video game design and analysis, computer security, and deep learning.  See our Faculty Scholarship page for additional information.

Outside of the Computer Science Department, W&L also has the IQ Center on campus, which provides resources for sophisticated imaging, computational instruments and a powerful 3D imaging lab.