Faculty and Staff
Julie Woodzicka
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science and Department Head
- Parmly Hall 240
- Email: woodzickaj@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8834
Woodzicka’s courses include Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination, Social Psychology, Psychology of Humor, and Research Design and Analysis. She studies the effects of disparagement humor (specifically sexist and racist humor) and subtle strategies to confront discrimination.
Nydia Ayala
Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 234
- Email: nayala@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8839
Dr. Ayala’s courses include Cognitive Psychology, Memory in Everyday Life, and Psychology & Law. Informed by theories of recognition memory and decision making, her research aims to improve the utility of police identification procedures. She is presently interested in legal decision makers’ assessments of the reliability of eyewitness evidence.
Ryan Brindle
Associate Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 131
- Email: rbrindle@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8835
Brindle teaches courses related to brain and behavior, statistics, and the impact of mental stress and sleep. His lab researches the connections between mental stress, sleep, and health to improve clinical interventions.
Megan Fulcher
Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
On Sabbatical Winter Term 2025
- Parmly Hall 232
- Email: fulcherm@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8107
Dr. Fulcher teaches courses on child development, the development of gender roles, and socioemotional development. Her research focuses on children’s gender role development, toy play and their visions of their future selves.
Jacob Gibson
Visiting Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 224
- Email: jgibson@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8836
Gibson teaches courses on social and developmental psychology. His research interests are stereotypes, politics, religion and the accuracy of social perceptions.
Dan Johnson
Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Data Science Program Head
- Parmly Hall 220
- Email: johnsondr@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8629
Johnson’s courses include Psychology Mythbusters and Introduction to Data Science: Mind Analytics. His lab uses computational models and empirical data to investigate the mechanisms underlying creativity processes like the generation of novel ideas.
Nikki Lee
Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 236
- Email: nlee@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8874
Dr. Lee’s courses include Brain and Behavior, Hormones and Social Behavior. Her Social Behavior Lab investigates the neural and hormonal mechanisms underlying social behavior in non-human animals, in the lab and field, with a particular interest in the evolution of social behavior.
Heather Macalister
Visiting Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 120
- Email: hmacalister@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8596
Dr. Macalister’s courses include Principles of Development, Health Psychology, and Psychology of Women. Her research interests include gender in children’s food choice.
Karla Murdock
Jo M. and James M. Ballengee Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
On Sabbatical Leave 2024-2025
- Parmly Hall 151
- Email: murdockk@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8248
Among Murdock’s courses are Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychopathology. Her research program examines associations between technology use and indicators of health, well-being and cognitive performance.
Holly Shablack
Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 238
- Email: hshablack@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-5855
Shablack’s courses include Heath Psychology, Introduction to Data Science: Trends over time, and Emotions, Language, and Culture. Her research examines how our language and various socio-cultural factors influence our attitudes, emotions, physical and mental health, and behavior.
Bob Stewart
Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Neuroscience Program Head
- Parmly Hall 231
- Email: stewartb@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8837
Stewart’s courses include Psychoactive Drugs and Behavior and Neuropharmacology. He has researched salty, sweet and bitter taste development as well as the development and plasticity of taste axon termination patterns.
Wythe Whiting
Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
- Parmly Hall 133
- Email: whitingw@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8210
Whiting teaches courses in cognition, evolutionary psychology and attention. His lab has been researching how increasing neural noise affects declining cognition in older adults as well as how smart phones affect sleep/attention.
Emeritus Faculty
Tyler Lorig
Professor Emeritus of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
Nancy Margand
Professor Emeritus of Cognitive and Behavioral Science
Sarah Gratzmiller
Cognitive and Behavioral Science Lab Technician
- Parmly Hall 218
- Email: sgratzmiller@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8838
Department Info
- E: cbsc@wlu.edu
Parmly Hall 230
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Lexington, Virginia 2440