2017-18 Academic Year

2017-18 Academic Year

2018 Commencement Address

President William C. Dudley addressed the Class of 2018 at the commencement exercises on the Front Lawn on May 24, 2018.

2018 Founders Day Remarks

President Dudley gave the introductory remarks at Washington and Lee’s Founders Day/ODK Convocation on January 18, 2018. The keynote speaker for the convocation was Charles Dew, Ephraim Williams Professor of American History at Williams College.

Opinion: Taxing Washington’s Legacy

President Dudley published an opinion piece in the Washington Post on the impact of a proposed excise tax on college and university endowments on Jan. 17, 2018.

Parents and Family Weekend Remarks (Audio)

Washington and Lee President Will Dudley addressed parents and families at the annual Parents and Family Weekend on Oct. 6-8, 2017.

Inaugural Address

President Dudley presented an address on the occasion of his inauguration as Washington and Lee’s 27th president on September 16, 2017.