President William C. Dudley
William C. (Will) Dudley became Washington and Lee University’s 27th president on Jan. 1, 2017. Previously provost and professor of philosophy at Williams College, President Dudley is a native Virginian who was born in Charlottesville and raised in Arlington.
More about President Dudley
Office of the President
Washington and Lee University
Washington Hall, 2nd Floor
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450

Our Place in Higher Education
Distinctively W&L
In a series of essays, President Dudley discusses Washington and Lee’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities, looking beyond the national headlines to what makes W&L distinctive in higher education.

W&L’s Next Decade
Strategic Plan
The University’s current Strategic Plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees in May 2018, and will guide Washington and Lee’s priorities for the coming decade.