2023-24 Academic Year

The 2023-24 President’s Report

On Monday, April 29, President Dudley shared his latest President’s Report, “More Than a Number,” with the W&L community. The report contains many facts and figures, but also aims to capture the stories of the people behind the numbers who make Washington and Lee so distinctive.

Welcome Back to Campus

President Dudley sent a winter update to the W&L community on Jan. 11, 2024, highlighting recent news and upcoming events.

2023: A Year in Review

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, President Dudley shared a look back at the highlights from 2023 with alumni, parents and friends of the university.

Yesterday’s Shelter-in-Place Order

On Thursday, Nov. 2, President Dudley wrote to faculty, staff, students, and parents regarding the shelter-in-place order issued on campus on Nov. 1, 2023.

Fall 2023 Campus Update

On Friday, Aug. 31, President Dudley wrote to faculty, staff, and students with an update on recent accomplishments and initiatives for the upcoming academic year.