Student/Faculty Research
Publications and Presentations
Students are marked with *
Roberts JS*, Perets RA*, Sarfert KS*, Bowman JJ*, Ozark PA*, Whitworth GB, Blythe SN, Toporikova N (2017) High-Fat High-Sugar Diet Induces Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in a Rodent Model. Biology of Reproduction 96(3): 551-562.
*Davis CC, *Singerman KW, *Belforti SJ, *Ferrero AK, *Wubah AA and Kreiss DS (2017) Who’s Your Daddy? Transgenerational epigenetic effects of the neonatal clomipramine exposure rodent model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Society for Neurosciences Conference. Washington, D.C.
*Stephens JL, *Chartampelia E, *Dangler AT, *Ellis ED, *Palmatary HL, and Kreiss DS (2017) Compared to male rats, female rats display increased OCD-like compulsive behaviors in the Hole Board and Marble Arena and decreased anxiety behaviors in the Elevated Plus Maze. Society for Neurosciences Conference. Washington, D.C.
*Stephens JL, *Davis CC, *Singerman KW, *Belforti SJ, *Chartampila E, *Dangler AT, *Ellis ED, *Ferrero AK, *Palmatary HL, *Wubah AA, and Kreiss DS (2017) Comparison between the Expression of Behaviors that “Model” Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Female versus Male Rats. SSA Conference. Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA.
Whitworth, GB, BC Misaghi*, DM Rosenthal*, EA Mills, DJ Heinen*, AH Watson*, CW Ives*, SH Ali*, K Bezold, N Marsh-Armstrong, FL Watson. 2016. Translational profiling of retinal ganglion cell optic nerve regeneration in Xenopus laevis. Dev.Biol. 426(2):360-373. PMID: 27471010
Erickson J, Putney J*, Hilbert D*, O’Grady G, Cheng LK, and Angeli TR. (2016) Iterative Covariance-based Removal of Time-Synchronous Artifacts: Application to Gastrointestinal Electrical Recordings, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 63(11): 2262 - 2272. [doi: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2521764].
M Knabe* & Blythe SN (October 2016) Do Bilinguals Outperform Monolinguals in a Directed Forgetting Task? Investigating the bilingual advantage in inhibitory control. Poster presented at VAS Fall Meeting in Richmond, VA.
Erickson J, Bustamante M*, Herrera M*, Shingiro A*, and Bowen T*. (2015) Effective Stimulus Parameters for Directed Locomotion in Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Biobot. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0134348 [doi: 10.137/journal.pone.0134348]
Roberts J*, Sarfert K*, Toporikova N, Blythe SN (Nov 2015) Diet-induced obesity impairs estrous cycle regularity in female rats. Poster presented at APS-Gender Conference in Annapolis, MD.
Blythe SN, Toporikova N, Knabe M*, Pogrebna V* (Nov 2015) A tale of two diet experiments: Do different diets affect LH and PRL surges and TH and ORX fiber colocalization? Poster presented at APS-Gender Conference in Annapolis, MD.
Bowman J*, Caldwell T*, Guider J*, Lee J*, Ozark P*, Blythe SN, Toporikova N, Whitworth GB (Nov 2015) Effects of diet-induced obesity on reproductive hormone signaling and gene expression. Poster presented at APS-Gender Conference in Annapolis, MD.
Blythe SN, Gonzalez-Iglesias AE, Bertram R, Whitworth GB, Toporikova N (Oct 2015) The effect of diet-induced obesity on estradiol-induced hormonal surges in female rats. Poster presented at SFN in Chicago, IL.
Marwitz S*, Woodie L* & Blythe SN (Nov 2014) Diet-Induced Obesity Induces Insulin Resistance and Hyperactivity. Poster presented at SFN in Washington DC.
Knabe M*, Sarfert K*, Curtiss S* & Blythe SN (Nov 2014) Cafeteria-Style Diet Impairs Memory and Increases Risk of Metabolic Syndrome. Poster presented at SFN in Washington DC.
Curtiss S* & Blythe SN (Nov 2014) The Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity and Gender on the Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons. Poster presented at SFN in Washington DC.
Curtiss S*, Marwitz S*, Woodie L* & Blythe SN (March 2014) The Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity on the Morphology of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons and Dentate Gyrus Granule Cells. Poster presented at CVCSN in Richmond, VA.
Marwitz S*, Woodie L*, & Blythe SN (March 2014) Pay Attention to What You Eat! The Effect of Diet on Attention, Learning, and Memory. Poster presented at CVCSN in Richmond, VA.
Gunawansa N* & Blythe SN (March 2014) Sex-Differences in Diet-Induced Cognitive Impairment. Poster presented at CVCSN in Richmond, VA.
Woodie L* & Blythe SN (March 2014) Battle of the Macronutrients: Exploring the Physiological Impacts of High Fructose and High Fat Diets. Poster presented at CVCSN in Richmond, VA.
Whiting, W.L., C. Sample* ’11, and S. Hagan* ’11 (2014) Top-Down Processing Modulates Older Adults’ Susceptibility to Noise. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 21, 370-385.
Levy, S.D., S. Bajracharya* ’13, and R.W. Gayler (2013) Learning Behavior Hierarchies via High-Dimensional Sensor Projection. In Learning Rich Representations from Low-Level Sensors: Papers from the 2013 AAAI Workshop.
Alvin Thomas* ’14, Ashley Barnes* ’13, Katherine Strickland* ’15, Jon Erickson. Iterative Gaussian mixture model splitting of multimodal PSTH for studying activity dependent changes in cultured network connectivity. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2013.
Gregg*, J, JM Tilghman*, H Schmidt*, FL Watson, and EA Fradinger. (2013) USDA-approved organophospate pesticides cause developmental abnormalities in two aquatic vertebrate models. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience 2013: Online Program No. 222.05: 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner.
Fradinger, EA, GX Garcia*, JM Tilgman*, O Mac*, A Jimenez*, D Bourgaize*, and FL Watson (2013) Effect of chlorpyrifos exposure on the development of cholinergic neurons. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience 2013: Online Program No. 222.03: 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner.
Gunawansa*, N. & Blythe, S. (2013) Sex differences in diet-induced cognitive impairment. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA
The papers below were presented at the Society of Neuroscience - Faculty in Undergraduate Neuroscience satellite meeting:
Turman*, ZK, J Gregg*, J H Schmidt*, JM Tilghman*, N Hole*, H Garcia*, Jonathan Gregg*,EA Fradinger, FL Watson. (2013) Organophosphate pesticides induce morphological abnormalities and decreased locomotor activity and heart rate in Danio rerio and Xenopus laevis. Society for Neuroscience/ Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (San Diego, CA)
Heinen*, DJ, D Rhoades*, A Watson*, C Ives*, B Misaghi*, FL Watson. (2013) Translational profiling of Retinal Ganglion Cells In Response to Optic Nerve Injury in Post-Metamorphic Xenopus laevis. Society for Neuroscience/ Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (San Diego, CA).
McColloch, A.L.*; Braunscheidel, M.P.*; Connors, C.D.; and Levy, S.D. (2008) Automation of Cross Section Construction and Forward Modeling of Fault-bend Folds from Integrated Map Data (abstract). Trabajos de Geología 28, A. Marcos Vallaure, ed. Ovideo, Spain: University of Oviedo
Whiting, W. L., Sugovic, M.*, Liang, X.* (2008, April). Investigating Neural Noise as a Potential Mechanism for General Age-Related Slowing during Visual Search. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Whiting, W.L., Madden, D.J., & Babcock, K.* (2007). Overriding Age Differences in Attentional Capture with Top-down Processing. Psychology and Aging, 22, 223-232.
Davis, E.* (2006) Lexical Disambiguation in Machine Translation with Latent Semantic Analysis. 2nd Place winner, Student Poster Contest, 22nd Annual Eastern Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges.
Ito, T.A., *Chiao, K.W., Devine, P.G., Lorig, T.S. & Cacioppo, J.T. (2006). The influence of facial feedback on race bias. Psychological Science. 17, 256-261.
Lorig, T.S., *Rigdon, M., & *Poor, A. (2006). Temporal pattern of odor administration alters hemispheric processing in humans. Neuroreport, 17, 231-234.
Shahab M, Sajapitak S, Tsukamura H, Kinoshita M*, Matsuyama S*, Okhura S, Yamada S*, Uenoyama Y, I’Anson H, Maeda K-I.: Acute lipoprivation suppresses pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion without affecting food intake in female rats. J. Reprod. Devel., 52:763-772, 2006.
Whiting, W.L., Babcock, K.*, & Madden, D.J. (2006, April). Adult age differences in top-down influences on attentional capture. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference. Atlanta, GA.
*Barkat, S., Sicard, G., & Lorig, T.S. (2005). Perception of freshness of food by humans: Sensitization effects shown in a chemosensory evoked related potential. A poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Chemosensory Scientists, Sarasota, Florida.
Levy, S.D.; Djalaliev, P.*; Shrestha, J.M.*; Khasymski, A.*; and Connors, C. (2005). Cheap and Easy Parallelism for Matlab on Linux Clusters. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada. International Society for Computers and their Applications.
Lorig, T.S., *Malin, E.L., & *Horwitz, J.E. (2005). Odor mixture alters neural resources during symbolic problem solving. Biological Psychology, 69, 205-216.
Overholtzer, C*. and Levy, S. (2005). Evolving AI Opponents in a First-Person-Shooter Video Game. Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. AAAI Press.
Overholtzer, C.* and Levy, S. (2005). Adding Smart Opponents to a First-Person Shooter Video Game through Evolutionary Design Proceedings of AIIDE 05: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Entertainment, Marina Del Rey, California. AAAI Pres.
Whiting, W.L., Madden, D.J., & Babcock, K. J.* (2005, February). The benefits and limits of knowing: Interactions of adult age with top-down and bottom-up processes during visual search. Paper presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference. Winston-Salem, NC.
Cacioppo, J.T., *Rickett, E. , & Lorig, T.S. (2004). Social Psychophysiology. In W.E. Craighead & C. Nemeroff (Eds.), Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science. New York: Wiley.
Kinoshita, M*., I’Anson, H., Tsukamura, H. and Maeda, K-I.: Fourth ventricular alloxan injection suppresses pulsatile luteinizing hormone release in female rats. J. Reprod. Dev., 50(3):279-285, 2004.
Lorig, T.S., *Rigdon, M., & *Poor, A. (2004). Temporal patterning of odor and hemispheric activity. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Chemosensory Scientists, Sarasota, Florida.
Lusk, J*., Whitecar, M*., Vander-Schaaf, E*., I’Anson, H.: The Effect of Leptin on the Onset of Puberty in Diet-Restricted Rats. Science, Society and the Arts, Undergraduate Research Conference, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, November 2004.
Tsukamura, H., Yoshida, K*., I’Anson, H., Maeda, K-I.: Role of mid-brain serotonerguc neurons in sensing glucose level to regulate pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) release in rats. Program No. 192.11, 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience.
J.J. Wielgus, L. C. Downey*, K.W. Ewald*, M.E. Hatley*, K.C. Wilson* and R.H. Yeilding*. Exposure to low concentrations of nicotine during cranial nerve development inhibits apoptosis and causes cellular hypertrophy in the ventral oculomotor nuclei of the chick embryo. Developmental Brain Research. Accepted November, 2003. In press.
Bonnema, K*, & I’Anson, H. Glucoprivic regulation of puberty onset. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Abstr. 369-4, 2002.
Pullen RN*, CH Hemmings*, NR Hoot* and RE Stewart (2001). Alpha-gustducin immunoreactivity in developing hamster taste buds. Chemical Senses 26: 1075
Meyers, E.A*., Howenstein, M.J*., Russell, K.A*., and I’Anson, H. Effect of lipoprivation on onset of puberty. 14th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, April, 2000.
Howenstein, M.J*., Meyers, E.A*., Russell, K.A*., and I’Anson, H. Lipoprivation and onset of puberty in the female rat. 30th Annual Meeting for the Society of Neuroscience, Abstr. 542.6, 2000.
Lorig, T.S. & Malin, E.L.* (2000). Mathematical information processing following chemosensory challenge. Cooperative Chemosensory Workshop, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.
Lorig, T. S., Elmes, D.G., Malin, L.E.* & Harris, R.*. (2000). Chemosensory-induced disruption of performance. World Congress of Psychophysiology, Sydney, Australia.
Hendricks, D.E*., Meyers, E.A*., Rhea, J.E*., Vo, K-D*., & I’Anson, H. To Determine the effect of neurotoxic lesion of the arcuate nucleus on reproductive function in the growth-restricted female rat with delayed puberty. Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Pullman, WA, August, 1999.
Lorig, T. S., Elmes, D.G., Malin, L.E.* & Szatskowski, J. C.* (1999). The Effects of Common Odors on ERPs During Task Performance. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Granada, Spain.
Starer, C*. & I’Anson, H. Does glucoprivation extend estrous cycles in the adult female rat by increasing brain histamine levels? Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, FL, October, 1999.
Dougherty, E*., Markham, J*., Kitchens, K*., and I’Anson, H.: Determination of the effect of surgical lesion of the area postrema and glucoprivation on onset of puberty in female rats. Council on Undergraduate Research 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Session on Capitol Hill, April 1998.
Dougherty, E.J*., Chartisathian, K*., Kitchens, K.G*., Vasallo, M.A*., and I’Anson, H.: Determination of the effect of glucoprivation on the onset of puberty in female rats. Biol. Reprod. Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, College Station, TX, August, 1998.
Elmes, D.G, Lorig,T.S., Markham, J.A.*, & Theus, K.* (1998). The effects of phasic odor administration on continuous performance, A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Association of Chemosensory Scientists, Sarasota, Florida.
Lorig, T.S., Elmes, D. G. & Yoerg, V.L*. (1998).Chemosensory alteration of information processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 855, 591-597.
Markham, J.A*., I’Anson, H., and Jarrard, L.: Learning and memory across the estrous cycle in the rat. Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1998.
Vassallo, M.A*., Chartisathian, K*., Dougherty, E.J*., Kitchens, K.G*., Markham, J.A*., and I’Anson, H.: Does a reduction in glucose availability suppress estrous cycles in adult female rats? Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, College Station, TX, August, 1998.
Acuff, H.B*., Olejniczak, J.A*., Jarrard, L.E., and I’Anson, H.: The role of the area postrema (AP) in the onset of puberty in the food-restricted, prepubertal female rat. Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Portland OR, July, 1997.
Griffin, F.H*., Daters, A.T*., and I’Anson, H.: Systemic injections of mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) block delayed estrous cycles caused by acute food deprivation in female rats, but did not delay the onset of puberty. Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA, October, 1997.
Lorig,T.S., Matia, D.C.*, Peszka, J.J*., & Bryant, D.N.* (1996). The effects of active and passive stimulation on chemosensory event-related potentials. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 23, 199-205.
J.J. Wielgus, L.B. Aden* and R.M. Franks*. Site of synthesis and phylogenetic distribution of a hemolymph trophic factor of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology 30A: 696-701 (1994).
J.J. Wielgus, L.B. Aden* and R.M. Franks*. Characterization and site of synthesis of a hemolymph trophic factor in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology 29A: 31A (1993) (Abstract).
J.J. Wielgus, G.A. Caldwell*, R.L. Nichols* and C.F White*. Purification, properties, and titer of a hemolymph trophic factor in larvae and pupae of Manduca sexta. Insect Biochemistry 20: 65-72 (1990).
Program Info
Washington and Lee University
Recipient’s Name, Neuroscience Program
204 W. Washington Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450