
George Washington statue on Washington Hall

Completion of the undergraduate program in neuroscience leads to the bachelor of science degree. We are often asked what one can do with a bachelors degree in this field. The answer is the same for Neuroscience as it is for any major. In a word, “Anything.” While it is true that most of our graduates plan to obtain advanced degrees in medicine or science, we are a liberal arts degree program and feel that training in our program broadly prepares students for full lives in any career. Certainly our graduates have had careers that provide strong support for this view. Our graduates are in positions in the Arts, Business, Media, Education, Medicine, and Science and tell us that the education they received here prepared them to answer the questions they face each day.

For those students seeking graduate study, our emphasis on hands-on research is a crucial aspect of our program. All science graduate programs seek to train competent researchers and those students who have already had this experience as undergraduates are in the best position to obtain good offers from graduate programs. Our program requires students to gain experience in all aspects of neuroscience including systems, molecular, cognitive, behavioral and computational approaches. There is also sufficient flexibility to allow students to specialize in these subareas should they so choose.

For students interested in medical school, our curriculum is an excellent preparation for this career. In fact, most of our majors seek advance study in medicine following graduation. Completion of the Neuroscience requirements is only part of the necessary requirements for medical school and students interested in this option should contact Pre-Health Professions Program Advisor.

Program Info

  • Washington and Lee University
    Recipient’s Name, Neuroscience Program
    204 W. Washington Street
    Lexington, Virginia 24450

Bob Stewart

Program Head

Leigh Ann McCoy

Administrative Assistant