RTEC: Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium

You can earn a Virginia Teaching License while pursuing your major field of study. The Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium (RTEC) is a collaborative teacher preparation partnership between Washington and Lee University and Southern Virginia University. RTEC is nationally accreditated through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Access the RTEC forms and handbooks.
Teacher Licensure Endorsement Areas
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chinese, PreK-12
- Computer Science
- Earth Science
- Elementary Education, PreK-6
- English
- French, PreK-12
- German, PreK-12
- History and Social Science
- Journalism
- Latin, PreK-12
- Mathematics
- Mathematics-Algebra 1 add-on
- Middle Education, Grades 6-8
- Music: Instrumental, PreK-12
- Music: Vocal/Choral, PreK-12
- Physics
- Spanish, PreK-12
- Theatre Arts, PreK-12
- Visual Arts, PreK-12
RTEC offers only initial-level programs.
Program Name: Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium (RTEC)
Program Review Level: Undergraduate
Certificate Level: Elementary (PreK-6); Middle Grades (6-8); Secondary (6-12); or Comprehensive PreK-12 (Designated in Endorsement list below)
Program Category: Initial Licensure Program
Program Review Option: State Review (per VA-CAEP agreement)
CAEP Accountability Measures
View the 2024 CAEP-RTEC Annual Report.
Additional Program Information
Program Graduation Rates
RTEC graduation rates for the most recent years are:
- 2022-23: 11 Enrolled / 11 Graduated (100%)
- 2021-22: 8 Enrolled / 8 Graduated (100%)
- 2020-21: 6 Enrolled / 6 Graduated (100%)
- 2019-20: 5 Enrolled / 5 Graduated (100%)
- 2018-19: 3 Enrolled / 3 Graduated (100%)
- 2017-18: 5 Enrolled / 5 Graduated (100%)
- 2016-17: 11 Enrolled / 11 Graduated (100%)
All RTEC completers who sought positions for which they have been prepared are employed in such positions; some remain in Virginia, some returned to their home state to pursue their teaching career.
Candidate Competency at Completion
The state of Virginia requires teachers to pass several exams in order to be licensed: Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment; Praxis Subject Area Assessment; Praxis 5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary (only); and submit certificates of completion for Child Abuse & Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training (completed during EDU 302); Emergency First Aid, CPR, and AED Training (completed during EDU 302); Dyslexia Awareness Training (completed during EDU 302); and Cultural Competency Training (taken during student teaching seminar).
All RTEC completers have met the requirements for teacher certification in Virginia. The following aggregated exam pass rates from 2016 to 2023 provide evidence of this measure:
- Praxis II - 100% pass rate
- Praxis 5205 Teaching Reading for Elementary - 100% pass rate
- VCLA - 100% pass rate
RTEC will guide you through meeting these requirements and the application process for a Virginia Professional License in your endorsement area.
Other Consumer Information
Education Studies Program