Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium (RTEC) is a collaborative teacher preparation partnership between Washington and Lee University and Southern Virginia University. RTEC’s teacher licensure program is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and is fully approved by the state. Successful completion of the program leads to a collegiate professional license in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This license is valid for 10 years and renewable with additional professional development experiences. Coursework in the program usually begins in the sophomore year and culminates with the teaching internship and capstone seminar during the fall or spring semester of the senior year. 

Mission Statement

Rockbridge Teacher Education Consortium capitalizes on the strengths of its member institutions to prepare students for teaching careers through a comprehensive teacher preparation program that provides a depth and breadth of knowledge, skills, and practice, through coursework and study and fieldwork experiences.

Our Goals

The Education Studies Program Mission Statement and Goals.

Minor Requirements

Course requirements for the Education Studies program.

Course Offerings

Courses offered in the Teacher Education program.