EALL 493 (3-3) Senior HONORS Thesis
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Students seeking honors candidacy must have a minimum cumulative GPA in the major of 3.500 and a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. The EALL seniors honors thesis requires the student seeking candidacy to submit a petition (see HONORS Thesis Petition Form) by the Friday of the 9th week of winter term of their junior year. A 2-3 page description of the project with a preliminary bibliography should be submitted with the form.
- Length: At least 50 pages
- Readers: All EALL faculty (student will work mostly with the primary reader, otherwise known as the thesis advisor)
- Language: English (terms, citations, and quotations in target language permitted)
- Target Language Sources: Use of and consultation with target language sources are required, the purpose of which is to contribute meaningfully to the composition of the thesis
- Winter Term Oral Presentation and Defense: In English, about 30-45 minutes (all graduating EALL majors are required to attend the final oral presentation and defense. EALL majors not yet graduating are strongly urged to attend)
All members of the EALL faculty present on campus during the Winter Term will read the thesis and will participate in the Oral Presentation and Defense. Grades will be assigned by the consensus of the faculty.
A composite grade of no less than B is required on the written thesis and presentation/oral defense. If all the requirements are not met and honors is not granted, the student will not receive 6 credits for EALL 493, but instead will be given 3 credits for EALL 473.
Timeline for the EALL 493 Senior Honors Thesis
Winter Term of Junior Year
- Due Friday of Week 9: Senior Honors Thesis Petition form along with 2-3 page description of the project with a preliminary bibliography.
- NOTE: Regularly scheduled meetings with your primary advisor throughout the Fall and Winter Terms of Senior year are mandatory. Failure to make and keep these appointments will affect the outcome of your thesis.
Fall Term of Senior Year
- Registration: EALL 493
- Due Friday of Week 6: Honors Thesis Progress Report (25 pages minimum).
- Due Friday of Week 12: First Draft (minimum 25 pages) of Senior Honors Thesis, copies to both primary and secondary readers.
- Required: At least 3 scheduled Fall meetings with thesis advisor.
Winter Term of Senior Year
- Registration: EALL 493
- Due Monday of Week 7: First Draft of complete Senior Honors Thesis, copies to both primary and secondary readers.
- Due Friday of Week 9: Final Draft of Senior Honors Thesis, copies to both primary and secondary readers, electronic copy to Administrative Assistant.
- Required: Oral Presentation and Defense (to be scheduled)
East Asian Languages and Literatures Department
- About the Department
- Faculty and Staff
- Language Placement Information for New Students
- Resources for Students
- The Senshin'an Japanese Tearoom
Department Info
East Asian Languages and Literatures
Ruscio Center for Global Learning
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450