Opportunities for Students
Undergraduate Research
Summer Research Scholars
The Summer Research Scholars (SRS) program at Washington and Lee supports undergraduate research supervised by W&L faculty for a period of eight weeks during the summer. The program allows well-qualified and strongly motivated students to become familiar with research tools, techniques, and methodology through collaborative research with faculty members. Participation is an enriching and broadening experience. It is particularly valuable to students who intend to pursue graduate work, for they are introduced to the kind of research activities they will encounter at the graduate level. The application process is competitive, and funds may not be adequate to grant all proposals. Applications for the summer are due in January. Please contact the faculty member with whom you wish to apply to work by December 1.
Sunoikisis is a national consortium of Classics programs that offers seminars, workshops and symposia for students.
Grants and Fellowships
Washington and Lee students are eligible for a wide variety of grants and fellowships to support study and travel during the undergraduate years as well as for graduate studies. Please visit the university website on Grants and Fellowships which lists all these opportunities with links to detailed information on each, deadlines, application materials, etc. Freshman year is not too early to begin browsing this site and planning options for the future.
National Translation Contests
- Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
- National Latin Exam (NLE)
- National Greek Exam (NGE)
Classics Honor Society
We are a member of Eta Sigma Phi, the national collegiate honorary society for students of Latin and Greek. Members are elected by the Classics faculty from among Junior and Senior Classics majors who have earned this distinction by the consistent excellence of their academic work. Members are eligible to participate in the annual national convention, and may apply for scholarships, summer research opportunities, and summer funding awarded by the national society. Learn more about the Classics Honor Society.
Summer Opportunities
Some funding is available for student summer study, research, or travel (Johnson Opportunity Grants, Woolley Grants, R. E. Lee Grants. Students should consult the Dean’s website on Grants and Fellowships for details and deadlines.
Summer Internship at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C.
Teacher Education
While Washington and Lee does not offer a major in Education, students opting for a career in public education can complete the requirements for certification through our Teacher Education Program.
Study Abroad
The Classics department strongly encourages students to take advantage of study abroad opportunities, both to internationalize the learning experience, and to bring an immediacy to our study of the ancient Mediterranean world.
Classics Department
Department Info
- P: 540-458-8180
202 Tucker Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450