What To Do With a Classics Degree

Study of the ancient world and its languages is a rigorous intellectual experience, and thus, an excellent preparation for any career. Recent Classics graduates of Washington and Lee can be found teaching in public and private schools, working on Wall Street, in art galleries, serving non profit organizations, pursuing graduate work in Classics and related fields (recent graduates have been admitted to graduate programs at Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, University of St. Andrew’s, Trinity University Dublin, Rutgers, University of Georgia, University of Pennsylvania, Florida State, University of Texas, University of Michigan, Tulane, Washington University, Yale, and others), attending law school (Harvard, Washington and Lee, University of Virginia, University of Chicago, Columbia University, and others), in MBA programs (Duke, University of Virginia, and others) and in medical school (University of Georgia, University of Virginia, and others.). In short, Classics is an enriching background for life, as well as an excellent intellectual preparation for any future endeavor.