Faculty and Staff
Andrea Lepage
Pamela H. Simpson Professor of Art History and Department Head
- Wilson Hall 3014
- Email: lepagea@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8305
Andrea Lepage offers classes in the following areas: contemporary Chicana/o and U.S. Latina/o art, modern and colonial Latin American art, arts of Mesoamerica and the Andes, and Early Modern European art (Italian, Spanish, Dutch).
Leigh Ann Beavers
Instructor of Art
- Wilson Hall 3027
- Email: beaversl@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8876
Beavers teaches courses in drawing, creating comics, printmaking and studio projects.
George Bent
Sidney Gause Childress Professor in the Arts
- Wilson Hall 3020
- Email: bentg@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8863
Bent teaches courses on medieval art, Renaissance art and gothic art. He has researched Italian art extensively and recently taught a course called Digital Florence in which students helped to digitally reconstruct the city.
Christa Bowden
Professor of Art
- Wilson Hall 1008
- Email: bowdenc@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8880
Bowden started W&L’s photography program and teaches a variety of courses in the subject. She recently taught a class called Paris: History, Image, Myth, which featured a Spring Term in Paris.
Wendy Castenell
Assistant Professor of Art History
- Wilson Hall 3017
- Email: wcastenell@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8465
Sandy de Lissovoy
Assistant Professor of Art
- Wilson Hall 1002
- Email: sdelissovoy@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8862
Professor de Lissovoy teaches courses in sculpture and design.
Niloofar Gholamrezai
Visiting Assistant Professor of Art
- Wilson Hall 2012
- Email: ngholamrezaei@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8861
Melissa R. Kerin
Professor of Art History
- Mattingly House 209
- Email: kerinm@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8858
Kerin teaches courses in South Asian and East Asian art and architecture. Her research focuses on the intricate and multifaceted relationships between art and identity formation, cultural memory and religious praxis.
Elliott H. King
Associate Professor of Art History
- Wilson Hall 3016
- Email: kingeh@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8857
King teaches courses in American and European Art, 1750 to the present. His research specialization is Surrealist art and thought with particular concentration on Salvador Dalí\’s production after 1940.
Emma Steinkraus
Assistant Professor of Art
On Leave 2024-2025
- Wilson Hall 4028
- Email: esteinkraus@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8859
Theodore Van Loan
Visiting Professor of Art History
- Wilson Hall 3015
- Email: tvanloan@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8858
Emeritus Faculty
Kevin McNamee-Tweed
Director of Staniar Gallery
- Wilson Hall 3010
- Email: kmcnamee-tweed@wlu.edu
- Phone: 540-458-8860
Art and Art History Department