Publish Your Writing

Submit your art and art historical writing for consideration at the following journals and literary magazines that publish undergraduate work.

At W&L

Ampersand Magazine of Arts and Letters:The central goal of Ampersand – previously Muse – is to provide the Washington and Lee campus with a platform for students to showcase their art, writings, and music. Serving as a connection between the Lenfest Center and the rest of campus, Ampersand seeks to showcase work from students regardless of their field of study. In doing so, Ampersand aims to promote awareness and appreciation of the creative capacities of the greater community.

Pluma: Pluma is a literary magazine in Spanish, was founded to foment creative expression in Spanish and to enrich dialogue about the cultures of Spanish speakers around the globe. We seek to create a more unified community of Spanish speakers on our own campus and in our community.

Beyond W&L

1890: A Journal of Undergraduate Research (University of Central Oklahoma): The purpose of 1890: A Journal of Undergraduate Research is to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to demonstrate their interests and abilities in various disciplines by accepting works of research, creative writing, poetry, reviews, and art. New Plains Student Publishing uses 1890 to encourage, recognize, and reward intellectual and creative activity beyond the classroom by providing a forum that builds a cohesive academic community.

Audeamus: A National Multidisciplinary Journal: Audeamus is open to submissions from high-caliber undergraduate students across the nation. Although Audeamus is an Honors journal, our eligibility requirements reflect our journal’s meaning: “Let us Dare.” Let us dare to move beyond the traditional definition of what constitutes an “Honors” student. We believe that the quality of students’ works is revealed through its own merit, not only by a student’s membership within a specific society or group. As such, our eligibility requirements are as follows: (1) Submitters must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time or part-time in any 2 or 4 year undergraduate institution in the United States of America. (2) Graduates of any 2 or 4 year college/university may also turn in a submission, but no more than one year from graduation. For example, students who may have already graduated but would like to submit work they turned in prior to or at graduation, for example a senior thesis/capstone in the Spring of 2019 may still submit for the 2019/2020 journal.

Apollon: Undergraduate eJournal (Berea College): At Apollon, we strive to publish superior examples of undergraduate humanities research from a variety of disciplines as well as intellectual approaches. Our goal is to engage students in every stage of the process, beginning with student-faculty collaboration in generating undergraduate scholarship and finishing with the release of a polished digital journal. Apollon strives to take advantage of the unique opportunity of venturing into the digital humanities by engaging with image, text, sound, video, and a variety of presentation platforms in the process of showcasing the many species of undergraduate research.

Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research (Butler University): The Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes original, scholarly research undertaken by undergraduates from any college or university. BJUR builds upon and strengthens Butler’s commitment to quality undergraduate research by providing an outlet for the publication of outstanding undergraduate scholarship across the humanities, social and natural sciences.

Bowdoin Journal of Art: The Bowdoin Journal of Art is one of only a few American and international academic art publications that feature the art historical work of undergraduates. The Journal examines themes of traditional and contemporary art practice. The audience of nearly all undergraduate research is only one person: the professor of an individual class. It is our hope and vision that the Bowdoin Journal of Art will become a central publication for undergraduates to showcase their scholarly work, and for art historians and art enthusiasts to glean new insights. Students in undergraduate institutions across the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada were encouraged to submit work, which was subject to rigorous review by students from Bowdoin College.

Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research (University of British Columbia): The Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research (CJUR) is a bi-annual student-led research publication. Being able to publish your work is one of the most important skills for a successful academic researcher. However, at the undergraduate level these opportunities are scarce and difficult to access. This problem is compounded by the fact that many competitive scholarships and graduate programs require a strong publication record as an undergraduate. CJUR was founded in 2015 by a group of undergraduate students at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada with the hopes of providing an accessible platform for undergraduates to gain experience in academic publishing.

Carleton Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies: The Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that promotes undergraduate research in the humanities and social sciences. Our goal is to present papers that bring to light new narratives and fresh points of view. Highlighting work that challenges dominant perspectives, the UJHS serves as a forum for contributors and readers to reconsider their position within the context of their society. In the spirit of the liberal arts, the UJHS is a multidisciplinary journal that accepts submissions from a broad range of subjects, demonstrating how student research can contribute to a variety of fields.

Collision Literary Magazine: Founded in 2001, Collision Literary Magazine publishes undergraduate writing and art from all over the world. Collision accepts fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art, with a particular interest in experimental work that challenges style and structure. It is a student-run publication housed under the English Department at the University of Pittsburgh.

Crossing Borders: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship (Kansas State University): Crossing Borders: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship seeks to encourage research among undergraduate students at Kansas State University and elsewhere. Crossing Borders introduces undergraduates to the processes and values of open-access, peer-reviewed communication, thereby preparing them to be more critical consumers and producers of scholarly discourse. Crossing Borders publishes work in a variety of formats including original case-studies, reports of research or creative activity, book reviews, and field notes. Submissions can be from any scholarly disciplines.

Digital America (University of Richmond): Digital America is supported by the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Richmond. Digital America is an online journal that focuses on digital art and culture with an eye toward the American experience. The journal was founded in 2012 at the University of Richmond when a class that happened to be also be called “Digital America” decided to toss the syllabus and focus on creating an online journal for misfit work. Since that small act of academic rebellion, the journal has grown from a student-focused publication to a fully formed online journal with a publication schedule. New issues arrive in November and April of each year. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on work that just doesn’t quite fit anywhere else. We celebrate experimental internet art that may never live in a gallery, and we look for new perspectives on popular culture, digital culture, and art. We look for students in all walks and levels of academic life, and we encourage writers, thinkers, and creators to keep writing, thinking, and creating in that liminal space between school and whatever comes next.

International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (Pacific University): International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates and their mentors from academic institutions of higher learning. IJURCA accepts submissions of research articles, fiction, poetry, photography, video, and other creative work from undergraduate students in all academic disciplines. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, to be published online after successful review.

Journal of Student Research: Student researchers strive to be successful at publications; and with JOFSR, students aspiring to publish will receive scholarly feedback once their submission is reviewed. These feedbacks will not only help authors identify areas of improvement to their submission but help them better understand the process in order to be successful at publication. Once published, it will provide a global platform for them to showcase their work. The journal seeks papers that are novel, integrative, and written in a way that is accessible to a wide audience which includes an array of disciplines. Content of the journal ranges from Applied research to Theoretical research. In general, papers are welcomed from all topics. The journal uses an automated process from manuscript submission to publication. Manuscript submission, peer review, and publication are all handled online, and the journal automates all clerical steps during peer review.

Journal of Undergraduate Research (Colorado State University): JUR is a peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal registered with the Library of Congress that accepts submissions of any subject, from any undergraduate institution. We receive hundreds of submissions for publication every year, from institutions ranging from small liberal arts colleges to international institutions. The review process for publication includes peer, graduate, and faculty referees, ensuring that the Journal publishes competitive material that follows the Journal’s standards for academic, creative, and passionate work.

Liberated Arts: A Journal for Undergraduate Research (Huron University College): Huron At Western is a fervent supporter of undergraduate research. Liberated Arts publishes radical and original student research on a variety of topics, with the aim of helping students participate in our wider academic research community. The journal is interdisciplinary in scope and perspective, and is founded on the academic collaboration between students, faculty and staff. We publish the best in undergraduate research, and also welcome letters to the Editor, literature reviews and original graphics for the front journal ‘cover’.

Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research (Monmouth College): Founded in 2010, the Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research (MJUR) (ISSN: 2160-9357) is a peer- and faculty-reviewed journal produced by a team of Monmouth College student editors and faculty mentors. Scholars from a variety of colleges and universities contribute to the manuscript review process. Our mission is to support development of high-quality original undergraduate research, recognize exceptional undergraduate scholarly efforts and accomplishments, and contribute to the undergraduate learning experience. MJUR accepts submissions from all academic fields and from any undergraduate institution, national or international. New volumes of MJUR are published annually in print and online. MJUR is indexed in Ebsco Academic Search Ultimate, and full-text is available through the Ebsco Academic Search Ultimate interface (by subscription) and on the MJUR website (for free).

Papers & Publications: Interdisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Research (University of North Georgia): Papers & Publications (P&P) is a regional, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate research and creative works published and supported by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA) at University of North Georgia. This journal promotes student learning by disseminating undergraduate research and creative works that make an intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline or to applied practice.

Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research (University of Warwick and Monash University): Reinvention is an online, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate student research. The journal welcomes academic articles from all disciplinary areas and all universities.

The Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal (Stanford University): Founded in 2001, the Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) is an annual, peer-reviewed publication of research articles from all academic fields. The mission of SURJ is to encourage, recognize, and reward intellectual activity beyond the classroom, while providing a forum for the exchange of research and ideas. Our journal is run entirely by a staff team of Stanford undergraduate students, led by two Editors-in-Chief. SURJ primarily publishes work produced by Stanford undergraduates, but also publishes papers from well-qualified students at other institutions. All submitted papers undergo review by SURJ’s team of editors, who subsequently deliberate and select the best submitted papers for publication. Our editors work closely with the selected authors to revise and polish their papers to best communicate the authors’ ideas and discoveries. These papers are submitted, reviewed and published under one of SURJ’s two sections: Natural Sciences & Engineering and Humanities & Social Sciences. New volumes of SURJ are released annually in print and on the web, and these volumes are distributed across the Stanford campus and beyond. Articles published in SURJ have been cited in major peer-reviewed journals from a wide range of disciplines.

Susquehanna Review: We’re interested in undergraduate writing with fresh language, complexity, strong character development, emotional resonance, and momentum. We want to read something we haven’t read before.