Resources for Majors
Please let us know if you have questions that aren’t answered with the information provided below.
Long-Term Planning Schedule
A listing of the upcoming courses being offered by the Earth and Environmental Geoscience Department over the next few years. Please note that all course offerings are contingent upon sufficient course enrollment and staffing, so have a back-up plan whenever possible.
Junior and Senior Years
You will work with your advisor to fulfill your degree requirements and to think about the additional opportunities available to you. As majors you will be considering more than just courses; you will also be thinking about going to a conference, doing research and writing a thesis, taking comprehensive exams, and looking for a job or at graduate programs. Your advisor and all the faculty are available to talk with you about questions and goals while you are here — and after W&L. Below is a list of events and deadlines that you will want to be aware of, with detailed info provided on the pages on the menu to the right.
Senior Thesis and Honors Program
Both BA and BS students can complete a thesis or honors thesis. Read more about this great opportunity at the link in the heading. To receive your BS with honors, you need to have a certain GPA, receive High Pass on your oral and written comprehensive exams, and receive an Excellent on your thesis — if you are doing a thesis. You can do it!
Community Contract and Resources
Successful teaching, learning, and research can only occur when students, faculty, and staff feel safe, secure, and supported. We want you to feel comfortable being yourself. We are thus dedicated to an inclusive and harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, socio-economic status, culture, membership in student organizations, and/or religion. Even when we are well-intentioned, we may not always be aware of how our words and actions impact others. We all must continually work to create a welcoming, just, and supportive environment for all. As a starting point, we expect all members of the community to respect our Community Contract.
Geoscience Facilities
The Department of Earth and Environmental Geoscience is housed in state-of-the-art facilities of the Science Center. Our “quarters” include a clustered arrangement of faculty offices and laboratories, a dedicated departmental computer laboratory, student research offices for geoscience majors. These facilities were specifically designed to promote student-faculty collaboration in a collegial setting.
The Department is happy to be able to provide travel funds for majors to attend one scientific meeting each year, even if you are not presenting research. The meetings are a terrific way to learn presentation skills if you present research, to realize the breadth of geoscience inquiry through a huge number of talks and presentations, network with potential employers and graduate school advisers, and talk with people representing graduate schools — and have a great time with your peers. Declared majors are encouraged to attend; talk to your advisor about this. Travel to conferences is supported by the Kozak, McGuire, Spencer, Schwab Geology Fund.
Research Opportunities
Expand your skills! Doing research during summer or the academic year is well worth considering.
Internship Opportunities
Internships provide valuable experience and allow you to see a wide range of applications for your geoscience background. Every summer students head out to participate in environmental, conservation, energy finance, energy exploration, and other internships with organizations, companies, and the government. These experiences make you aware of the real-life applications of the geosciences as well as give you contacts that will help with your next steps.
Graduate School and Employment
Students head off to a variety of graduate schools and jobs — read about it here.
Department Info
- P: 540-458-8800
Earth and Environmental Geoscience Department
204 West Washington Street
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450