Why Study DCI?

DCI fills a significant gap in the W&L curriculum. The minor opens pathways to careers in the technology sector that students do not normally encounter as undergraduates in a liberal arts college. In addition to teaching programming to non-programmers, DCI emphasizes the importance of design as an integral skill and way of thinking. Each student in the minor develops an online professional identity, including a portfolio of work and an extensive digital project that demonstrates creativity, technical skills, and intellectual engagement. 

A minor in DCI encourages students to explore the core purpose of their careers within the context and possibilities of the dominant technology of this century. Through integration with any major field of study, students in DCI are equipped with new skills, experiences, and knowledge that enable them to graduate from W&L with the confidence and technical foundations needed for tackling the technological changes of the next decades.

From Our Students

Nayongi Borthwick '23

Nayongi Borthwick ’23

“I chose to minor in DCI because the minor is so flexible. I can double major, and tailor my classes toward my other majors and interests. For example, I am currently working on a digital humanities project for DCI 102 that tracks stolen paintings throughout Europe and the United States. Through the DCI minor you learn about so many different facets of technology, and it gives you such a solid foundation which is imperative in our digital age.”

Lily Mitchell '21

Lily Mitchell ’21

“I am currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Business Analytics at Wake Forest University. The courses here really build off the technical and qualitative skills I learned through the DCI minor. I am currently working directly with a client doing sentiment analysis on text reviews which was first introduced to me by Professor Brooks in DCI 102! The ability to provide digital skills is valuable no matter the career path you take. I am very grateful for the DCI faculty and how much they have prepared me for ‘the real world’.”

Jack Pollard '22

Jack Pollard ’22

“I chose to minor in DCI because of the continual increase in use and reliance on the digital world. I saw a quote that said, ‘We used to use technology to escape the real world, now we use the real world to escape technology’. I think this is true now more than ever and I wanted the ability to explore why that is and learn about the digital world in detail.”

Emma Thai '22

Emma Thai ’22

“I chose DCI because I wanted to learn hard skills that would be helpful in any future career I chose through projects that aligned with my major. I’ve really enjoyed all my classes and have appreciated getting to learn how to code and use other digital tools in a supportive environment.”