Shepherd Program
Shepherd Program
The Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability incorporates a spirit of engagement and service into students’ extra-curricular and academic lives. Shepherd students learn how to understand and address the causes and consequences of poverty and inequality in ways that respect the dignity of every person, through community engagement and academic offerings, including a minor and internship opportunities.
Students weave poverty-related courses across disciplines (economics, education, law, philosophy, politics, sociology, and more) with hands-on service and internship experiences to supplement their major areas of study. Those pursuing a minor in poverty studies undertake capstone research projects that connect their concerns about poverty and inequality with their future civic and professional lives.
For over 25 years, The Shepherd Program has supported student leadership and service opportunities in the local Rockbridge area and beyond. Understanding the causes and consequences of poverty requires direct collaboration with community partners.
Shepherd in the News
Students and graduates of the Shepherd Program are involved all over campus and all over the world.