Current Membership

Board of Trustees Members

Wangdali C. “Wali” Bacdayan ’92
Rector of the Board of Trustees

William C. Dudley
President of the University

James L. Baldwin, Jr. ’83

Scott B. Boyd ’86

John P. Case, III ’86

Cynthia T. Cheatham ’07

Josephine S. Covington ’96

Christopher C. Dyson ’00

Cindy D. Hauser ’92

Clifford K. Holekamp ’96

Lee M. Hollis ’86

John C. “Jack” Huffard, Jr. ’90

George D. “Geordy” Johnson, III ’05

L. James Lawson, III ’77

David A. Lehman ’99

Samantha M. “Sam” McLemore ’02

Elizabeth B. “Betsy” Pakenas ’94

William G. Payne ’88

Joelle J. Phillips ’95L

Charles H. Prioleau ’82 

Brodie G. Riordan ’03

John W. Robinson, III ’94

Helen H. Sanders ’04

Jackson R. “Jack” Sharman, III ’83

Michael H. Spencer ’96L

William M. Toles ’92, ’95L

Nathan K. Urquhart ’01

Jonathan M. Wortham ’04