Applying to Take a Course in the Law School

To complete the requirements for the minor in Law, Justice and Society, undergraduates must take at least one course offered under the auspices of the Law School. In order to do so, you must first fill out the Application for a Junior or Senior to Take a Single Law Course.

You will need signatures from three persons: your advisor (or the LJS chair), the Associate Dean of the Law School, and the instructor of the law school course you want to take. You ought to be able to accomplish that by scanning and emailing. In order to get registration priority, be sure to mention that you need the course for LJS when you contact the Associate Dean of the Law School.

Once your form has all three signatures, deliver it to the undergraduate registrar (email is fine). The registrar will construct a course for you and add it to your schedule — it will show up on your schedule and transcript as LJS 295 - Topics in Legal Studies (Civil Rights Law) (or whatever the course you chose is called).