Digication FAQ

What is Digication?

Digication is an online ePortfolio tool that allows students, faculty, or staff to create a digital portfolio of their work.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has identified ePortfolios as a high impact practice (HIP) that creates "unique opportunities for connection and synthesis across courses, semesters, and co-curricular experiences, enabling students to reflect on and construct a cohesive signature learning experience and authentic body of work." (Watson, C. E., Kuh, G., Rhodes, T., Penny Light, T., & Chen, H. L. (2016). Editorial: ePortfolios-The eleventh high impact practice. International Journal of ePortfolio, 6(2), 65-69.)

How do I request a Digication account?

Contact the ITS Information Desk at (540) 458-4357, or send an email with your request to help@wlu.edu.

How do I access Digication?

In the latest version of Firefox or Chrome -- this is important! Do not use Safari or Edge to access Digication! -- go to myapps.wlu.edu and login with your W&L credentials. Click on the Digication tile and a new browser tab will launch.

What are some possible uses of Digication?

How do I find out more about Digication?

For more information, please contact the ITS Information Desk in Leyburn Library at (540) 458-4357 (HELP) or help@wlu.edu.