Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

Students on campus

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program at Washington and Lee University empowers students through critical examination, reflection, and exploration of the world around us. Our inclusive and interdisciplinary approach encourages students to engage deeply with feminist theories, LGBTQ+ studies, and social justice frameworks. Whether you’re passionate about understanding the roots of gender inequality or advocating for marginalized communities, our program will help you foster your intellectual growth and community engagement. See everything that WGSS has to offer in the Course Catalog.

Beyond the classroom, you’ll have opportunities to work with local organizations, join in student-led activist initiatives, and participate in our rich co-curricular offerings. Whatever you do after you graduate, the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and experience to make a meaningful impact in today’s society. Find your voice with us!

Program Info

  • Newcomb Hall
    204 West Washington Street
    Washington and Lee University
    Lexington, Virginia 24450

Sarah Horowitz

Program Head

Amanda Smith

Administrative Assistant


W&L History Professor Authors New Book and Appears in WIRED Online Video

Mikki Brock wrote her second book and recently answered questions on her specialty – witches, witchcraft and witch hunts.

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Lawyer and Historian Paul Lombardo to Deliver Lecture on Buck v. Priddy Court Case

The Nov. 18 lecture is open to the public and marks the centenary of the case argued in Amherst County, Virginia.

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Julie Woodzicka to Deliver Lecture in Honor of Her Appointment to the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professorship

Woodzicka’s talk on reacting to stressful situations will be held Oct. 8 in Northen Auditorium.

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Masako Konishi to Deliver Lecture as Part of the Class of 1963 Scholars in Residence Program

Konishi, Chief Merchandising Officer at Forever 21, will deliver her talk on Sept. 25.

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W&L History Professor Receives Fellowship at the Suzy Newhouse Center for the Humanities

Mikki Brock will perform research leading to a new book at the Wellesley College-based academic center this year.

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Assistant Professor of History Nneka Dennie

Nneka Dennie Receives Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award

The assistant professor of history is one of 10 faculty members nationwide to win the prestigious award.

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Washington and Lee Students Selected for Congressional Hunger Center Internships

Sai Chebrolu ’26 and Valentina Giraldo Lozano ’25 are among 13 students chosen for the Zero Hunger Internship program.

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Caleigh Wells

Caleigh Wells ’17 Found Her Calling in Climate Reporting

The reporter and podcast host won a 2023 National Edward R. Murrow Award for her part in BURNED, which investigated failures by the U.S. Forest Service to protect California towns from potential high-risk wildfires.

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Washington and Lee Names Four Faculty Members to Endowed Professorships

These faculty have been recognized for their outstanding teaching, scholarship and service to the university.

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Assistant Professor of History Nneka Dennie

Professor Nneka Dennie to Discuss Her Recent Book on Black Newspaper Editor Mary Ann Shadd Cary

The assistant professor of history will hold her talk on Feb. 7 at noon in the Harte Center Gallery.

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W&L Student Receives Research Grant from the Virginia Academy of Science

Megan Dufault ’24 is studying the risks that environmental pollutants pose to fetal development.

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