Travel by Train

Faculty may also want to consider travel by train for regional or long-distance trips - using the Amtrak station in Charlottesville can be less expensive than air travel. For travel to/from a home train station, personal automobile is required for full reimbursement up to one round-trip of travel. Faculty will not be reimbursed for the full expense of hiring a personal driver or taxi, and will be reimbursed only for the equivalent of mileage and economy parking.

Faculty traveling by train are expected to use ground transportation (hotel shuttle, Super Shuttle, or taxi) to travel to/from the conference hotel. Faculty will not be reimbursed for car rentals at the conference destination unless specifically approved by the appropriate dean.

Please note that travel insurance is not covered by the University.

Prior to travel by automobile, please make sure you are familiar with the University Vehicle Use Policy. It applies to any vehicle travel on university business (personal vehicle or rental car).