SFHB Decisions, 2015-2016

On April 14, 2016, the Student Faculty Hearing Board (SFHB) met to consider an allegation against an undergraduate student of Individual Hazing and Conduct Unbecoming a Washington and Lee student.

By a vote of 3-1, the Board found the evidence insufficient to show there was a policy violation with regard to the Individual Hazing allegation.  The Board did find Conduct Unbecoming a Washington and Lee student.

By a vote of 3-1, the Board imposed the following sanctions:

  • Conduct probation for the remainder of Respondent's time as a student at the University
  • Respondent to complete an educational/counseling consultation and comply with treatment recommendations
  • Respondent required to find alternative housing other than in the respondent's fraternity/sorority house for the 2016-17 academic year.