Philosophy Department
The Department of Philosophy engages students with fundamental questions of existence, knowledge, and value, to encourage students to examine critically a variety of beliefs, attitudes, and social structures, and to foster creative thoughtfulness and self-reflection.
Studying philosophy teaches students to read and write critically, to analyze concepts and problems carefully, and to express solutions and arguments clearly and forcefully. Thus, studying philosophy prepares students for many different career paths: business, law, medicine, teaching, and post-graduate research in the humanities and sciences.
Philosophy majors are admitted to law school and medical school at a higher rate than any other major. Philosophy majors also outperform most other majors on the LSAT, GMAT and GRE. Their mid-career salaries are the highest in the humanities, and even higher than those of accounting, business management, and marketing majors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Philosophy Department
Department Info
Washington Hall
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450