Studying the Lee Family SOLs

Thank you for considering a visit to Lee Chapel and Museum. This document contains SOLs connected to this particular lesson, pre-visit and post-visit activity. You'll notice that together they can cover a variety of SOLs and skill sets for grades 4-7. SOLs are listed under each grade level, organized by subject. Each SOL has been bold-faced, and is followed by a list of skill sets for that SOL. You may see that a SOL is listed as "Introduction to," this means while the entire SOL is important for your class to learn, our institution may not be able to cover all aspects of it. Instead, we can act as an introduction to that subject or we could reiterate points already made in the classroom. Lastly, you'll notice Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents), these are helpful words and phrases our docents will use during your visit to Lee Chapel. Our goal is to use these to reiterate information, actions and behaviors necessary to accomplishing SOLs. Skip ahead to your grade or subject by clicking on the links below.



English (4.1, Intro 4.4, Intro 4.5)

  • 4.1 SOL: The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings.
    • a) Present accurate directions to individuals in small groups.
    • b) Contribute to group discussions across content areas.
    • c) Seek ideas and opinions of others.
    • d) Use evidence to support opinions.
    • e) Use grammatically correct language and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas.
    • f) Communicate new ideas to others.
    • g) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams.
    • h) Demonstrate the ability to work independently.
  • 4.1 Skills:
    • Participate in a range of discussions building on others' ideas and clearly expressing their own. 
    • Participate in a variety of partner and/or group discussions by:
      • Following the rules for discussions and assigned partner or group roles;
      • Offering comments that are relevant to the topic of discussion;
      • Asking appropriate questions to solicit knowledge and opinions of others;
      • Supporting opinions with appropriate examples and details;
      • Identifying reasons and evidence a speakers provides to support particular points;
      • Communicating new ideas to others;
      • Responding to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others;
      • Reviewing key ideas expressed in discussions and explaining their own ideas and understandings;
      • Distinguishing fact from opinion;
      • Avoiding hindering the progress of the discussion;
      • Taking turns speaking during a discussion;
      • Maintaining appropriate eye contact and attentive body language while listening: and
      • Respecting the comments of others, especially if the comments express opinions that are different from one's own.
    • Use grammatically correct language.
    • Use specific vocabulary to enhance oral communication.
    • Work independently and with diverse teams in a variety of settings.
  • 4.1 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Collaborate with your team.
    • Let's be attentive while listening.
    • Take turns.
    • Contribute.
    • Communicate.
    • Demonstrate your ability to... (Work as a team, raise your hand, etc.)
    • Let's be respectful.
  • Introduction to 4.4 SOL: The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
    • a) Use context to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.
    • b) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
    • c) Use word-reference materials, including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.
    • d) Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
    • e) Use vocabulary from other content areas.
  • 4.4 Skills:
    • Use context as a clue to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.
    • Use clues in the context of a sentence, paragraph, or reading selection to predict and explain the meanings of words that have more than one definition. 
    • Use their knowledge of affixes to read and understand the meanings of words.
    • Use their knowledge of synonyms and antonyms to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words.
    • Derive word meaning by using their knowledge of homophones.
    • Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts
    • Determine the meaning of general academic and content-specific words or phrases in text.
    • Study word meaning across content areas.
  • 4.4 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Are you familiar with that word? 
    • Did you come across an unfamiliar word?
    • What does this word mean?
    • Clarify.
  • Introduction to 4.5 SOL: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction texts, and poetry. 
    • a) explain the author's purpose
    • b) Describe how the choice of language, setting, characters and information contributes to the author's purpose.
    • c) Identify the main idea.
    • d) Summarize supporting details.
    • e) Identify the problem and the solution.
    • f) Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials.
    • g) Identify sensory words.
    • h) Draw conclusions/make inferences about the text.
    • i) Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
    • j) Identify cause and effect relationships.
    • k) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.
    • i) Read with fluency.
  • 4.5 Skills:
    • Describe in depth a character, setting, or event drawing on specific details from the text.
    • Understand that narrative nonfiction is a story based on facts.
    • Identify the facts contained in a piece of narrative nonfiction.
    • Identify the main idea or theme of a text and summarize using supporting details.
    • Identify the problem and solution.
    • Discuss the similarities and differences between text and previously read materials.
    • Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.
    • Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says, drawing conclusions/making inferences from text.
    • Identify cause and effect relationships.
    • Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
    • Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
    • Become aware of when they do not understand.
  • 4.5 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Summarize... (Early life for Lee's children, the life of Mary Custis Lee, what you learned upstairs, etc.)
    • Who are the main characters of our story?
    • Where is the setting?
    • Connect.
    • Let's predict. (How do you think the Civil War affected the women in the Lee family? How might Mrs. Lee's disabilities affect her duties? Etc.)
    • Before, During, After
    • Does everyone understand?

Science (4.7)

*While STEAM is not the focus of this tour, talking about the orrery in our museum can be done, if time is available. Our orrery connects with the 4.7 science SOL and is an important piece of scientific equipment.

  • 4.7 SOL: The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system. Key concepts include:
    • a) the planets in our solar system;
    • b) the order of the planets in the solar system; and
    • c) the relative sizes of the planets.
  • 4.7 Skills:
    • Names the eight planets and describe whether they are a terrestrial planet or gas giant.
    • Sequence the eight planets in the solar system based on their position from the sun. 
    • Sequence the eight plants in the solar system based on size.
  • 4.7 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What planets do we see on our orrery?
    • How do they compare to each other? (Planet size, distance from each other, etc.)

History and Social Science (Intro VS.7b)

  • Introduction to: VS.7b: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War by:
    • b) Describing Virginia's role in the war, including identifying major battles that took place in Virginia.
  • VS.7b Skills:
    • Determine cause-and-effect relationships. (VS.1b)
    • Draw conclusions and make generalizations (VS.1d)
    • Sequence events in Virginia history. (VS.1f)
  • VS.7b Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What was it like to grow up in Virginia? What were some of the characteristics of the southern states?
    • Divided. (Who was divided? On what side did Virginia fall?)
    • What do you think happened to families who had relatives living in opposing states? What happened to families living on the battlefront? (Both can relate to the Lee family.)
    • What role did Robert E. Lee play? 
    • What experiences in Lee's past helped him manage a leadership position? Are there any other Lee leaders in the family?
  • Introduction to: VS.8a SOL: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the reconstruction of Virginia following the Civil War by:
    • a) Identifying the effects of Reconstruction on life in Virginia.
  • VS.8a Skills:
    • Determine cause-and-effect relationships. (VS.1b)
    • Draw conclusions and make generalizations (VS.1d)
    • Make connections between past and present. (VS.1e)
    • Sequence events in Virginia history. (VS.1f)
  • VS.8a Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • How did the war affect Lee and his family? (Negatives and positives.) 
    • Generalize (What was life like prior to the Civil War versus afterwards.)
    • Rebuild and reunite, what do those words mean to you?
    • What does it take for a person to start their life over? 

Family Life (4.4, 4.5)

  • 4.4 SOL: The student will identify basic human emotions and effective ways of dealing with them.
    • Descriptive Statement: Emphasis is placed on understanding and dealing with strong emotions, both positive and negative.  Students learn how to deal with joy and exuberance, as well as those emotions resulting from loss, rejection, divorce, death, illness, and moving.  The student learns to manage appropriate responses to these feelings and to avoid self‑destructive or abusive behavior by using positive mental health practices.
  • 4.4 Skills:
    • There are no listed skills associated with this SOL.
  • 4.4 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • How do you think Lee dealt with the early death of his father? What emotions surround death? How can we deal with them? How do you young children handle death?
    • How do you think the Lee children dealt with their parents being separated because of war? What effect might it have on the marriage?
    • What do you think were some of the main causes of death during Lee's time?
    • How does one deal with heavy loss on their hands? How did Lee feel  after the surrender?
    • Do you think Lee ever felt rejected growing up because of the financial position Henry Lee put the family in?
    • Think about one hardship Lee or the Lee family experienced that they turned positive. What do you think would have happened if they reacted negatively?
  • 4.5 SOL: The student will develop awareness and acceptance of his or her strengths and weaknesses.
    • Descriptive Statement: This includes accepting personal responsibility for successes and failures, taking pride in successes, and understanding that mistakes can result in positive learning toward success next time.
  • 4.5 Skills: 
    • There are no listed skills associated with this SOL.
  • 4.5 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Can you think of a time that Lee failed or made a mistake? What did he learn about that situation?
    • What happens when we learn from our mistakes?
    • Do you think Lee and Mary were successful in raising their children?
  • 4.6 SOL: The student will become aware of the need to assume responsibility within the family and to function effectively as a family member.
    • Descriptive Statement: The focus is on sharing tasks within the family and helping, supporting, and communicating with family members.  Special attention is given to appropriate assistance and support for and communication with family members who have physical or mental disabilities.
  • 4.6 Skills:
    • There are no listed skills associated with this SOL.
  • 4.6 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Summarize. (What do you think the men in the Lee family contributed to the family? What about the women? Are these contributions still similar to our own today)
    • How do you think the duties of woman changed when men went off to the Civil War?
    • How did Mary's role change when she became disabled? What kind of care did the children have to provide?
    • What does personal sacrifice mean? Did Lee and Mary ever sacrifice something for their children?
    • How did the Lee family communicate?


English (5.1, Intro 5.5, Intro 5.6)

  • 5.1 SOL: The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject related group learning activities.
    • a) Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas.
    • b) Organize information gathering in group activities.
    • c) Summarize information gathered in group activities.
    • d) Communicate new ideas to others.
    • e) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams.
    • f) Demonstrate the ability to work independently.
  • 5.1 Skills:
    • Participate in a range of discussions building on others' ideas and clearly expressing their own.
    • Follow rules for discussions and assigned group roles.
    • Participate as active listeners in group learning activities by:
      • Listening to the main ideas; and
      • Listening for sequence of idea
    • Participate as informed contributors in subject-related group learning activities by:
      • Asking and answering questions at appropriate times;
      • Responding to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborating on the remarks of others;
      • Communicating new ideas to others;
      • Clarifying confusing points; and
      • Summarizing main ideas
  • 5.1 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Discussion
    • Participate
    • Elaborating on...
    • Demonstrate the ability to...
  • Introduction to 5.4 SOL: The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
    • a) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.
    • b) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words.
    • c) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
    • d) Identify an author's use of figurative language.
    • e) Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other word-reference materials.
    • f) Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
    • g) Study word meanings across content areas.
  • 5.4 Skills:
    • Use context as a clue to infer the correct meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases.
    • Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among the multiple meanings of words.
    • Use word references and context clues to determine which meaning is appropriate in a given situation.
    • Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
  • 5.4 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What is the meaning of...? (What in your surroundings can you pull context from to define this word?) 
    • Have you heard this word elsewhere? Do you think it has a similar meaning?
    • Clarify.
  • Introduction to 5.5 SOL: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.
    • a) Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials.
    • b) Describe character development.
    • c) Describe the development of a plot and explain the resolution of conflict(s).
    • d) Describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry.
    • e) Describe an author's choice of vocabulary contributes to the author's style.
    • f) Identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view.
    • g) Identify main idea.
    • h) Summarize supporting details from text.
    • i) Draw conclusions and make inferences from text.
    • j) Identify cause and effect relationships.
    • k) Make, confirm, or revise predications.
    • l) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.
    • m) Read with fluency and accuracy.
  • 5.5 Skills:
    • Understand that characters are developed by:
      • What is directly stated in the text;
      • Their speech and actions; and
      • What other characters in the story say or think about them.
    • Understand that some characters change during the story or poem and some characters stay the same.
    • Identify the conflict or problem of the plot.
    • Understand that plot is developed through a series of events.
    • Identify the sequence that lead to resolution of the conflict.
    • Identify main idea or theme.
    • Summarize supporting details from text.
    • Identify cause and effect relationships.
    • Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
    • Become aware of when they do not understand.
    • Read familiar text with fluency, accuracy, and expressions to support comprehension.
  • 5.5 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Conflict.
    • Why did this conflict arise? What was the cause? (What led Lee to be jobless? How would Lee provide for his family? Etc.)
    • Identify and resolve. 
    • Summarize... (Lee's achievements, what you learned, etc.)
    • Who are the main characters of our story?
    • Where is the setting?
    • Connect. (Characteristics of the Lee family to your own.)
    • Let's predict. (What did the Civil War mean for the women in the Lee Family? How would Mary take care of her children with her disability? As college president, how do you think Lee changed Washington College? Etc.)

History and Social Science (Intro USI.9a)

  • Introduction to USI.9a SOL: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by:
    • a) Describing the cultural, economic, and constitutional issues that divided the nation.
  • USI.9a Skills:
    • Make connections between the past and present. (USI.1b)
    • Sequence events in United States history. (USI.1c)
  • USI.9a Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What was it like growing up in Virginia? What was some of the characteristics of the southern states?
    • Divided. (Who was divided? What side did Virginia fall?)
    • What was happening before, during and after? (Think about it in terms of families. What do you think happened to families who had relatives living in opposing states? What happened to families living on the battlefront? What effect did the war have on families?)
  • Introduction to USI.9d SOL: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil by:
    • d) Describing the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, and Frederick Douglass in events leading to and during the war.
  • USI.9d Skills:
    • Identify and interpret primary and secondary source documents to increase understanding of events and life in United States history. (USI.1a)
    • Sequence events in United States history. (USI.1c)
  • USI.9d Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Who were the leaders of Northern and Southern forces?
    • What experiences in Lee's past helped him manage a leadership position? Are there any other Lee leaders in the family?
      What was the effect of the war on Robert E. Lee? 
    • Conclusion of the Civil War. (What role did Ulysses S. Grant play in Lee's life before his presidency at Washington College?)
    • Rebuild and Reunite, what do those words mean to you?
    • How does a person start their life over? What does it take? 

Family Life (5.9)

  • 5.9 SOL: The student will develop an increased understanding of the roles, duties, and responsibilities of family members.
    • Descriptive Statement: The student can achieve this by defining the traditional and changing roles, duties, and responsibilities of family members; by preparing for the life‑ long adjustments required for his or her changing roles; and by describing the emotional interactions involved in being a family member.  Nontraditional roles of males and females are discussed, and options for the lifelong goals of men and women are presented.
  • 5.9 Skills:
    • There are no listed skills associated with this SOL.
  • 5.9 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Summarize. (What do you think men in the Lee family contributed to the family? What about the women? Are these contributions still similar to our own today?)
    • How do you think the duties of woman changed when men went off to the Civil War? What is a woman's role like in society today?
    • How did Mary's role change when she became disabled? What kind of care did the children have to provide?
    • How did the Lee family communicate? What are good ways of communicating effectively?


English (6.1, Intro 6.5)

  • 6.1 SOL: The student will participate in and contribute to small-group activities.
    • a) Communicate as leader and contributor.
    • b) Evaluate own contributions to discussions.
    • c) Summarize and evaluate group activities.
    • d) Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions.
  • 6.1 Skills:
    • Ensure that all group members participate in the exchange of information.
    • Use strategies that contribute to the discussion.
    • Receive and understand feedback from the others.
    • Pose and respond to questions.
    • Relate and retell information.
    • Restate briefly and critically the main idea(s) or theme(s) discussed within a group.
    • Use active listening to focus on what is said and what is implied.
    • Summarize what is heard.
    • Retain and rethink ideas based on what is heard.
  • 6.1 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Actively listening.
    • Actively responding.
    • Summarize. (What did we learn about upstairs? The life of Lee's children, etc.)
    • Contribute as a team.
    • Relay information back to us. 
  • Introduction to 6.5 SOL: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.
    • a) Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme.
    • b) Mark, confirm and revise predictions.
    • c) Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text.
    • d) Describe cause and effect relationships and their impact on plot.
    • e) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. 
    • f) Use information in the text to draw conclusions and make inferences.
    • g) Explain how character and plot development are used in a selection to support a central conflict or story line.
    • h) Identify the main idea.
    • i) Identify and summarize supporting details.
    • j) Identify and analyze the author's use of figurative language.
    • k) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author's organizational pattern.
    • l) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.
  • 6.5 Skills:
    • Understand setting as time and place.
    • Understand plot as:
      • The development of the central conflict and resolution;
      • The sequence of events in a story; and 
      • The writer's map for what happens, how it happens, to whom it happens, and when it happens.
    • Understand that character traits are revealed by:
      • What a character says;
      • What a character thinks;
      • What a character does; and
      • How other characters respond the character.
  • 6.5 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Conflict.
    • Why did this conflict arise? What was the cause? (What led Lee to be jobless? How would Lee provide for his family? Etc.)
    • Identify and resolve. 
    • Summarize... (Lee's achievements, what you learned, etc.)
    • Who are the main characters of our story?
    • How does a character develop?
    • Where is the setting?
    • Connect. (Characteristics of the Lee family to your own.)
    • Let's predict. (What did the Civil War mean for the women in the Lee Family? How would Mary take care of her children with her disability? As college president, how do you think Lee changed Washington College? How did Lee's introduction of a new system of education affect future college students? Etc.)


Science: (Intro 6.8)

*While STEAM is not the focus of this tour, talking about the orrery in our museum can be done, if time is available. Our orrery connects with the 6.8 science SOL and is an important piece of scientific equipment.

  • Introduction to 6.8 SOL: The student will investigate and understand the organization of the solar system and the interactions among the various bodies that comprise it. Key concepts include:
    • a) the sun, moon, Earth, other planets and their moons dwarf planets, meteors, asteroids, and comets;
    • b) the relative size of and distance between planets;
    • c) the role of gravity;
    • d) revolution and rotation;
    • e) the mechanics of day and night and phases of the moon;
    • f) the unique properties of Earth as a planet;
    • g) the relationship of Earth's tilt and the season;
    • h) the cause of tides; and
    • i) the history and technology of space exploration.
  • 6.8 Skills:
    • Describe the planets and their relative position from the sun.
    • Design and interpret a scale model of the solar system.
    • Explain the role of gravity in the solar system.
    • Compare and contrast revolution and rotation and apply these terms to the relative movements of planets and their moons.
    • Describe the unique characteristics of Earth.
  • 6.8 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos! (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto.)
    • Distance. (Why doesn't our orrery show all the planets?)
    • What causes the planets to revolve? (Our orrery versus the actual solar system.)
    • Why does our orrery have an orrery within itself? (What does our moon do?)
    • Why is Earth so nice to live on?

History and Social Science: United States History 1865 to Present (Intro USII.3c)

  • Introduction to USII.3c SOL: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the effects on Reconstruction on American life by:
    • c) Describing the legacies of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglas.
  • USII.3c Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What sides of the conflict were Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee on?
    • Cause and Effect. (How did the Civil War affect the Lee family?)
    • Legacy. (What was Lee's legacy? Did anyone else in the Lee family follow in his footsteps? What legacy did he leave higher education?)
    • How was life during reconstruction for the Lee family? How did it compare to before the war?
    • Lincoln was more concerned with preserving the Union than punishing the South. (How do you think his legacy affected Washington College?)
    • What was Lee concerned with after the war?
    • Reconcile and reunite.

*Lee as president of Washington College, is listed as essential knowledge for this SOL.

Family Life (6.7)

  • 6.7 SOL: The student will describe personal characteristics that can contribute to happiness for self and others.
    • Descriptive Statement: This includes self‑discipline, self‑esteem, independence, acceptance of reality, acceptance of others, tolerance, concern for the needs of disabled persons, loyalty, honesty, cooperation, diligence, respect for proper authority, and acceptance of responsibility for self in relation to others.  The student will practice appropriate and positive personal and social responses.
  • 6.7 Skills:
    • There are no listed skills associated with this SOL.
  • 6.7 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What is character? 
    • What are some traits of a person who has a good character?
    • What are ways the students can practice good character?
    • In what ways did Lee demonstrate good character?
    • What kind of character would Lee and Mary want their children to have?


English (Intro 7.1, 7.2, Intro 7.5)

  • Introduction to 7.1 SOL: The student will participate in and contribute to conversations, group discussions, and oral presentations.
    • a) Communicate ideas and information orally in an organized and succinct manner.
    • b) Ask probing questions to seek elaboration and clarification of ideas.
    • c) Make statements to communicate agreement or tactful disagreement with others' ideas.
    • d) Use language and style appropriate to audience, topic, and purpose.
    • e) Use a variety of strategies to listen actively.
  • 7.1 Skills:
    • Contribute relevant ideas, and opinions, and feelings in large and small diverse groups.
    • Select vocabulary, tone, and style with audience and purpose in mind.
    • State points clearly and directly.
    • Ask clarifying questions and respond appropriately to others' questions in order to encourage discussion, foster understanding, and bring the discussion back to the topic when needed.
    • Provide feedback to other group members, acknowledge new insights expressed by others, and when justified, modify their own views.
    • Use a variety of strategies to actively listen, including:
      • give speaker undivided attention;
      • use body language and gestures to show they are listening;
      • provide feedback or paraphrase;
      • allow the speaker to finish without interruptions; and
      • respond appropriately. 
  • 7.1 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Actively listen.
    • Undivided attention.
    • Take turns sharing.
    • Encourage.
  • 7.2 SOL: The student will identify and demonstrate the relationship between a speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages.
    • a) Use verbal communication skills, such as word choice, pitch, feeling, tone, and voice appropriate for the intended audience.
    • b) Use nonverbal communication skills, such as eye contact, posture, and gestures to enhance verbal communication skills.
    • c) Compare/contrast a speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages.
  • 7.2 Skills:
    • Match vocabulary, tone, and volume to the audience, purpose, and topic of the message.
    • Use proper posture and stance when speaking.
    • Identify whether or not a nonverbal message complements the spoken message.
    • Use appropriate facial expressions and gestures or motions to add to what is being said.
  • 7.2 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Respect other visitors (using proper behavior around others).
    • Communication.
  • Introduction to 7.5 SOL: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.
    • a) Describe the elements of narrative structure including setting, character development, plot structure, theme, and conflict.
    • b) Compare and contrast various forms and genres of fictional text.
    • c) Identify conventional elements and characteristics of a variety of genres.
    • d) Describe the impact of word choice, imagery, and literary devices including figurative language.
    • e) Make, confirm, and revise predictions.
    • f) Use prior and background knowledge as a context for new learning.
    • g) Make inferences and draw conclusions based on text.
    • h) Identify the main idea.
    • i) Summarize text relating supporting details.
    • j) Identify the author's organizational pattern.
    • k) Identify cause and effect relationships.
    • l) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.
  • 7.5 Skills:
    • Recognize the elements of narrative structure including:
      • Setting-time, place, and duration;
      • Character(s);
      • External conflicts, such as
        • Individual vs. individual
        • Individual vs. nature
        • Individual vs. society
        • Individual vs. supernatural
        • Individual vs. technology
      • Internal Conflict-individual vs. self
  • 7.5 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • What is the setting?
    • Who are the characters in our story? How do they develop?
    • What external conflicts might the Lee family have faced? (with society, nature, other individuals)
    • Did Lee have any internal conflicts? (Think pre-war and post-war.)
    • Let's predict. (What did the Civil War mean for the women in the Lee Family? How would Mary take care of her children with her disability? As college president, how do you think Lee changed Washington College? Etc.)
    • Connect. (Characteristics of the Lee family to your own.)

History and Social Science: Civics and Economics (Intro CE. 3d, Intro CE.4a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

  • Introduction to CE. 3d SOL:
    • The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights duties, and responsibilities of citizens by
      • d) Examining the responsibilities of citizenship, including registering and voting, communicating with government officials, participating in political campaigns, keeping informed about current issues, and respecting differing opinions in a diverse society.
  • CE.3d Skills:
    • Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. (CE.1d)
    • Review information for accuracy, separating fact from opinion. (CE.1e)
  • CE.3d Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Summarize the responsibilities of being a citizen
    • How do you think Lee felt losing his citizenship after the war?
    • What happens when you lose your citizenship?
    • After the war, Lee worked to reunite and rebuild the country. Does his work support the desire to regain citizenship?
    • What citizen did Lee look up to the most? (George Washington)
  • Introduction to CE.4a, b, c, d, e, f, g SOL:
    • The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life by
      • a) practicing trustworthiness and honesty;
      • b) practicing courtesy and respect for the rights of others;
      • c) practicing responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance;
      • d) practicing respect for the law;
      • e) practicing patriotism;
      • f) practicing decision making;
      • g) practicing service to the school and/or local community.
  • CE. 4a, b, c, d, e, f, g Skills:
    • Skill does not apply.
  • CE. 4a, b, c, d, e, f, g Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • How can we develop good citizenship?
    • In what ways did the Lee family practice good citizenship? 

Family Life (7.1)

  • 7.1 SOL: The student will identify his or her role and relationships within the family.
    • Descriptive Statement: Content includes identification of personal interactions; communication skills; ways of meeting emotional, physical, and intellectual needs; and the student's contribution to the family unit.  Students learn the positive benefits of personal sacrifice to support family goals and needs when such a decision is indicated.
  • 7.1 Skills:
  • 7.1 Buzz Words, Phrases and Thoughts (for docents):
    • Summarize. What do you think men in the Lee family contributed to the family? What about the women? Are these contributions still similar to our own today?
    • How do you think the duties of woman changed when men went off to the Civil War?
    • What does personal sacrifice mean? Did Lee and Mary ever sacrifice something for their children?
    • How did the Lee family communicate?